HTTP error 503, DNS lookup failed
I have BIG-IP APM setup configured with Oauth2.0, get following error.
01490290:3: /Common/exampleAP:Common:b6e14800:/Common/exampleAP_act_oauth_client_ag: OAuth Client: failed for server '/Common/example_server' using 'authorization_code' grant type (client_id=exampleID), error: HTTP error 503, DNS lookup failed
I believe I setup name servers correctly, when I try from CLI everything works fine no problem running CURL commands to the same domain address. Is there command line way to validate the DNS configuration? Even when I try to discover for end points, I see no issue reading it and updating all required end points.
But at runtime it fails with 503 error, does the BIG-IP uses management interface for connecting to outside network because this is the only interface we are allowed to connect outside. Any help would be appreciated.
I was able to fix the issue by creating a new Dns Rsolver and Name server. Thanks AubreyKingF5 "front-side APM interface has a route to that IP" gave some clue for the direction.