Forum Discussion
Error using iRule for Conditional DNS Lookups
I am looking to perform some DNS lookups on a domain and based on the results, either provide the client with the external IP if it exists or the internal IP if there isn't an external A record.
I have written the following irule but am receiving this error:
"01070151:3: Rule [/Common/Conditional_Test_Lookup] error: /Common/Conditional_Test_Lookup:2: error: [undefined procedure: DNS::rrname][DNS::rrname] /Common/Conditional_Test_Lookup:4: error: [parse error: PARSE syntax 258 {syntax error in expression " $dnsName [DNS::rrtype] equal "A" ": extra tokens at end of expression}][{ $dnsName [DNS::rrtype] equal "A" }] "
if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]) and ([DNS::rrname] contains "") } {
set dnsName [RESOLV::lookup @ -a [DNS::rrname]]
if { $dnsName [DNS::rrtype] equal "A" } {
Can you please try below irule.
when DNS_REQUEST { if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]) and ([DNS::rrname] contains "") } { set dnsName [RESOLV::lookup @ -a [DNS::rrname]] if { ([DNS::rrtype] equal "A") } { DNS::return } } }
- R_MarcNimbostratus
Not sure how relevant this is, but for me, I had to create a local virtual to get Resolve to work consistently. Going direct actually caused all DNS to stop working on the box (TMos and Linux).
[RESOLV::lookup @/Common/dns-proxy-ipv4-dns-virtual -a $name]
- Samir_Jha_52506Noctilucent
Can you please try below irule.
when DNS_REQUEST { if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]) and ([DNS::rrname] contains "") } { set dnsName [RESOLV::lookup @ -a [DNS::rrname]] if { ([DNS::rrtype] equal "A") } { DNS::return } } }
- eightsixstud_29Nimbostratus
We tried using the modified version, but are receiving the same error. Also, we have made the below changes, with no luck. Any ideas?
01070151:3: Rule [/Common/Test] error: /Common/Test:2: error: [undefined procedure: DNS::rrname][DNS::rrname] /Common/Test:4: error: [undefined procedure: DNS::rrtype][DNS::rrtype] when DNS_REQUEST { if { ([IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals]) and ([DNS::rrname] equals "") } { [RESOLV::lookup @ -a [DNS::rrname]] if { ([DNS::rrtype] equals "A") } { DNS::return } } }
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