Forum Discussion
7200 HD failed, new drive not seen, monpd service down
We had a cooling issue in our data center recently and one of our 7200s overheated and shut down. Once cooling was restored, the 7200 was brought back online though it only showed one of the two drives.
We received a replacement drive from third party support, but the new drive isn't "seen" by the 7200 either (ie. tmsh show sys raid disk) even after powering off, re-seating it and powering back up.
Name Serial Number Array Array Status Model
(no "HD2" in the list)
There is an alert about the service "monpd" being down. The service list shows "monpd down, waiting for mysql to release running semaphore." I wondering if this is why the drive isn't seen.
Listing the services, this is what we have:
root@(bigip2)(cfg-sync Standalone)(monpd DOWN)(/Common)(tmos)# show sys service
aced down, Not provisioned
adfs_proxy down, Not provisioned
admd down, Not provisioned
alertd run (pid 7296) 23 minutes
antserver down, Not provisioned
apm_websso down, Not provisioned
apmd down, Not provisioned
asm down, Not provisioned
autodosd down, Not provisioned
avrd run (pid 5639) 23 minutes
bcm56xxd run (pid 4660) 23 minutes
bdosd down, Not provisioned
big3d run (pid 6349) 23 minutes
bigd run (pid 7937) 23 minutes
botd down, Not provisioned
captured down, Not provisioned
cbrd run (pid 4958) 23 minutes
chmand run (pid 7938) 23 minutes
clusterd down, not required
csyncd run (pid 4659) 23 minutes
datastor down, Not provisioned
datasyncd down, Not provisioned
dedup_admin down, Not provisioned
devmgmtd run (pid 8287) 23 minutes
dnscached down, Not provisioned
dosl7d down, Not provisioned
dosl7d_attack_monitor down, Not provisioned
dwbld down, Not provisioned
dynconfd run (pid 6363) 23 minutes
eam down, Not provisioned
eca down, Not provisioned
ecmd down, Not provisioned
errdefsd run (pid 7211) 23 minutes
eventd run (pid 4952) 23 minutes
evrouted run (pid 6034) 23 minutes
f5_update_checker down, No action required
flowspecd down, Not provisioned
fpdd run (pid 8290) 23 minutes
fpuserd down, Not provisioned
fslogd down, Not provisioned
gtmd down, Not provisioned
hostagentd run (pid 8289) 23 minutes
httpd_apm down, Not provisioned
hwpd down 22 minutes, normally up
icr_eventd run (pid 5412) 23 minutes
iprepd run (pid 6344) 23 minutes
ipsd down 23 minutes, normally up
keymgmtd run (pid 6351) 23 minutes
lacpd run (pid 6679) 23 minutes
lind run (pid 6702) 23 minutes
lldpd run (pid 7597) 23 minutes
localdbmgr down, Not provisioned
logmysqld down, Not provisioned
logstatd run (pid 5356) 23 minutes
mcpd run (pid 7600) 23 minutes
mdmsyncmgr down, Not provisioned
merged run (pid 7946) 23 minutes
mgmt_acld run (pid 5372) 23 minutes
monpd down, waiting for mysql to release running semaphore
mysql down, DB Volume script failed (Cannot create volume).
named run (pid 7944) 23 minutes
nlad down, Not provisioned
nokiasnmpd down, not enabled
nsyncd down, Not provisioned
ntlmconnpool run (pid 7620) 23 minutes
oauth down, Not provisioned
omapd down, Not provisioned
ovsdb-server down, Not provisioned
pccd run (pid 5645) 23 minutes
pgadmind down, manually disabled
ping_access_agent down, Not provisioned
pkcs11d down, unsupported HSM vendor configured
rba down, Not provisioned
restjavad run (pid 7185) 23 minutes
restnoded run (pid 7602) 23 minutes
rewrite down, Not provisioned
rmonsnmpd run (pid 4661) 23 minutes
rtconfd down, manually disabled
samlidpd down, Not provisioned
scriptd run (pid 8299) 23 minutes
sdmd down, Not provisioned
sflow_agent run (pid 5637) 23 minutes
shmmapd down, Not provisioned
snmpd run (pid 4655) 23 minutes
sod run (pid 6345) 23 minutes
sshplugin down, Not provisioned
statsd run (pid 6028) 23 minutes
stpd run (pid 7939) 23 minutes
syscalld run (pid 5351) 23 minutes
tamd run (pid 7207) 23 minutes
tasd down, Not provisioned
tmipsecd run (pid 4954) 23 minutes
tmm run (pid 6027) 23 minutes
tmrouted run (pid 4959) 23 minutes
tomcat run (pid 7174) 23 minutes
updated down 23 minutes, normally up
urldb down, Not provisioned
urldbmgrd down, Not provisioned
vcmpd run (pid 4662) 23 minutes
vdi down, Not provisioned
vxland down, Not provisioned
wamd down, Not provisioned
wccpd run (pid 5631) 23 minutes
websso down, Not provisioned
wocd down, Not provisioned
wocplugin down, Not provisioned
wr_urldbd down, Not provisioned
zrd down, Not provisioned
zxfrd down, Not provisioned
Anyone know how to resolve the issue with monpd? Would that have anything to do with the drive not being recognized? We're in the process of migrating the last two services off the active/standby pair of 7200s so they can be decommissioned, just need to squeeze a little more time out of them.
I assume there is no support anymore on the 7200?
I think this one is more of an issue:
mysql down, DB Volume script failed (Cannot create volume).
you could have a look here, for the log file and perhaps some hints on what exactly is failing
I assume there is no support anymore on the 7200?
I think this one is more of an issue:
mysql down, DB Volume script failed (Cannot create volume).
you could have a look here, for the log file and perhaps some hints on what exactly is failing
- Fallout1984
Thanks for the reply! In this instance, it's looking more like a hardware problem. Below is a summary of the steps taken in case this helps anyone in the future...
- MCPD Forceload attempted, no change to new HDD status
MCPD Forceload:
touch /service/mcpd/forceload
- Boot Volumes show status of audited, attempted fix as per KB article, file in question "/shared/noupgrade" does not existK91155702: Boot Volumes show status "Audited" Attempted fix as recommended, no change.
K63500035: MySQL failed to initialize after upgrading
- Kernel logs indicate hardware issue(s):K44433104: Device went down. Physical reboot to recover it was needed. Leslie_HubertusRet. Employee
Hey - thanks for the follow-up information, Fallout1984. Was the hardware issue resolved then, or is it ongoing?
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