10 TopicsHow to free up the HD1 physical disk space ?
Hello Experts , How to free up the HD1 disk space ? We have 2 volume HD1.1 and HD1.2 , to create a new volume how much free space is required ? How can we free up the space for the same ? Hardware Version Information Name HD1 Type physical-disk Model WDC Parameters -- -- SerialNumber WD-WM Size 465.76G Firmware Version 01.01S03 Media Type HDD --- Volume group --- VG Name vg-db-sda System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1 Metadata Sequence No 127 VG Access read/write VG Status resizable MAX LV 0 Cur LV 13 Open LV 8 Max PV 0 Cur PV 1 Act PV 1 VG Size 465.75 GiB PE Size 4.00 MiB Total PE 119233 Alloc PE / Size 116260 / 454.14 GiB Free PE / Size 2973 / 11.61 GiB VG UUID NRa4BZ-TYJm-gTFW-AVO3-7bEd-Evpj-lqgYbW LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert dat.appdata vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 357.25g dat.boot vg-db-sda -wi-a----- 468.00m dat.log vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 21.02g dat.share vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 42.03g dat.swapvol vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 5.00g set.1._config vg-db-sda -wi-a----- 3.17g set.1._usr vg-db-sda -wi-a----- 6.09g set.1._var vg-db-sda -wi-a----- 4.50g set.1.root vg-db-sda -wi-a----- 440.00m set.2._config vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 3.17g set.2._usr vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 6.09g set.2._var vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 4.50g set.2.root vg-db-sda -wi-ao---- 440.00m92Views0likes3CommentsBIG-IQ :: Add Hard Disk to VE
Ok, my Google-fu is lacking today. More coffee needed perhaps. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to add another disk (virtual hard drive) to my BIG-IQ VE. I don't want to expand the current disk... which is what I am finding all of the articles pertain to (and which I already know how to do). My desire is to add another HD (via HD2) to the VE. Any ideas on how to accomplish this? root@(big-iq)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show sys hardware Sys::Hardware Chassis Information Chassis Name Chassis Type Maximum MAC Count 1 Registration Key - Hardware Version Information Name HD1 Type physical-disk Model Virtual disk Parameters -- -- Manufacturer VMware SerialNumber VMware-sda Size 95.00G Firmware Version 1.0 Media Type HDD Name HD2 Type physical-disk Model Virtual disk Parameters -- -- Manufacturer VMware SerialNumber VMware-sdb Size 95.00G Firmware Version 1.0 Media Type HDD It seems that the VE can see the drive... but I can't install to it: root@(big-iq)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) install sys software image BIG-IQ-6.1.0-0.0.1224.iso create-volume volume HD2.1 root@(big-iq)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) root@(big-iq)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show sys software status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sys::Software Status Volume Product Version Build Active Status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HD1.1 BIG-IQ 6.0.0 0.0.1674 yes complete HD2.1 BIG-IQ 6.1.0 0.0.1224 no failed (Can't find requested disk HD2.) I assume I am missing a step here. Thanks in advance! -R905Views0likes1Comment7200 HD failed, new drive not seen, monpd service down
We had a cooling issue in our data center recently and one of our 7200s overheated and shut down. Once cooling was restored, the 7200 was brought back online though it only showed one of the two drives. We received a replacement drive from third party support, but the new drive isn't "seen" by the 7200 either (ie. tmsh show sys raid disk) even after powering off, re-seating it and powering back up. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sys::Raid::Disk Name Serial Number Array Array Status Model Member --------------------------------------------------------------------- HD1 WD-WXU1E83HSLZ9 yes ok ATA WDC WD1000CHTZ-0 (no "HD2" in the list) There is an alert about the service "monpd" being down. The service list shows "monpd down, waiting for mysql to release running semaphore." I wondering if this is why the drive isn't seen. Listing the services, this is what we have: root@(bigip2)(cfg-sync Standalone)(monpd DOWN)(/Common)(tmos)# show sys service aced down, Not provisioned adfs_proxy down, Not provisioned admd down, Not provisioned alertd run (pid 7296) 23 minutes antserver down, Not provisioned apm_websso down, Not provisioned apmd down, Not provisioned asm down, Not provisioned autodosd down, Not provisioned avrd run (pid 5639) 23 minutes bcm56xxd run (pid 4660) 23 minutes bdosd down, Not provisioned big3d run (pid 6349) 23 minutes bigd run (pid 7937) 23 minutes botd down, Not provisioned captured down, Not provisioned cbrd run (pid 4958) 23 minutes chmand run (pid 7938) 23 minutes clusterd down, not required csyncd run (pid 4659) 23 minutes datastor down, Not provisioned datasyncd down, Not provisioned dedup_admin down, Not provisioned devmgmtd run (pid 8287) 23 minutes dnscached down, Not provisioned dosl7d down, Not provisioned dosl7d_attack_monitor down, Not provisioned dwbld down, Not provisioned dynconfd run (pid 6363) 23 minutes eam down, Not provisioned eca down, Not provisioned ecmd down, Not provisioned errdefsd run (pid 7211) 23 minutes eventd run (pid 4952) 23 minutes evrouted run (pid 6034) 23 minutes f5_update_checker down, No action required flowspecd down, Not provisioned fpdd run (pid 8290) 23 minutes fpuserd down, Not provisioned fslogd down, Not provisioned gtmd down, Not provisioned hostagentd run (pid 8289) 23 minutes httpd_apm down, Not provisioned hwpd down 22 minutes, normally up icr_eventd run (pid 5412) 23 minutes iprepd run (pid 6344) 23 minutes ipsd down 23 minutes, normally up keymgmtd run (pid 6351) 23 minutes lacpd run (pid 6679) 23 minutes lind run (pid 6702) 23 minutes lldpd run (pid 7597) 23 minutes localdbmgr down, Not provisioned logmysqld down, Not provisioned logstatd run (pid 5356) 23 minutes mcpd run (pid 7600) 23 minutes mdmsyncmgr down, Not provisioned merged run (pid 7946) 23 minutes mgmt_acld run (pid 5372) 23 minutes monpd down, waiting for mysql to release running semaphore mysql down, DB Volume script failed (Cannot create volume). named run (pid 7944) 23 minutes nlad down, Not provisioned nokiasnmpd down, not enabled nsyncd down, Not provisioned ntlmconnpool run (pid 7620) 23 minutes oauth down, Not provisioned omapd down, Not provisioned ovsdb-server down, Not provisioned pccd run (pid 5645) 23 minutes pgadmind down, manually disabled ping_access_agent down, Not provisioned pkcs11d down, unsupported HSM vendor configured rba down, Not provisioned restjavad run (pid 7185) 23 minutes restnoded run (pid 7602) 23 minutes rewrite down, Not provisioned rmonsnmpd run (pid 4661) 23 minutes rtconfd down, manually disabled samlidpd down, Not provisioned scriptd run (pid 8299) 23 minutes sdmd down, Not provisioned sflow_agent run (pid 5637) 23 minutes shmmapd down, Not provisioned snmpd run (pid 4655) 23 minutes sod run (pid 6345) 23 minutes sshplugin down, Not provisioned statsd run (pid 6028) 23 minutes stpd run (pid 7939) 23 minutes syscalld run (pid 5351) 23 minutes tamd run (pid 7207) 23 minutes tasd down, Not provisioned tmipsecd run (pid 4954) 23 minutes tmm run (pid 6027) 23 minutes tmrouted run (pid 4959) 23 minutes tomcat run (pid 7174) 23 minutes updated down 23 minutes, normally up urldb down, Not provisioned urldbmgrd down, Not provisioned vcmpd run (pid 4662) 23 minutes vdi down, Not provisioned vxland down, Not provisioned wamd down, Not provisioned wccpd run (pid 5631) 23 minutes websso down, Not provisioned wocd down, Not provisioned wocplugin down, Not provisioned wr_urldbd down, Not provisioned zrd down, Not provisioned zxfrd down, Not provisioned (END) Anyone know how to resolve the issue with monpd? Would that have anything to do with the drive not being recognized? We're in the process of migrating the last two services off the active/standby pair of 7200s so they can be decommissioned, just need to squeeze a little more time out of them. Thanks!Solved1.5KViews0likes3CommentsDisk space for virtual server update
Trying to test upgrade on a lab server. install fails progress: 96/100 info: saving package installation order... info: saving initial package database... csyncd- info: Found -- csyncd tries to configure rsync info: Found -- [csync] section in etc/rsyncd.conf info: finalizing image... info: Adding user/group files to customization data... info: Forwarding previous dhcp client lease file to disk xvda, location 1 (/mnt/tm_install/14610.T6gtxb/usr/lib/install/dhclient.leases). info: pscript Copying dhclient.leases to DHCP lease directory /mnt/tm_install/14610.T6gtxb/var/lib/dhclient/ info: pscript Create the VADC fetch key marker to install ssh keys: /mnt/tm_install/14610.T6gtxb/.vadc_fetch_keys info: pscript Create the user key retreival marker: /mnt/tm_install/14610.T6gtxb/.user_public_key_install info: Applying UCS /var/tmp/IqRzc4wHBm.ucs to disk xvda, location 1 (/mnt/tm_install/14610.T6gtxb). info: capture: status 256 returned by command: F5_INSTALL_MODE=install F5_INSTALL_SESSION_TYPE=install chroot /mnt/tm_install/14610.T6gtxb /usr/local/bin/im -force /var/local/ucs/config.ucs info: >++++ result: info: Extracting manifest: /var/local/ucs/config.ucs info: /var: Not enough free space info: 2407819264 bytes required info: 959385600 bytes available info: /var/local/ucs/config.ucs: Not enough free disk space to install! info: Operation aborted. info: >---- Terminal error: UCS application failed; unknown cause. *** Live install end at 2018/04/25 10:07:06: failed (return code 255) *** Looks simply that the disk partitions on the unused set are not big enough. Feels like a bug, since it is simply being upgraded following documented procedure. I'll try extending root.set.1 volume, but not sure if this is recreated when installing the ISO or not. What is the right^W F5 way to get the volumes built the right size?457Views0likes1Comment" VAR space running out and incapacitating the whole device"
Hi, regarding " VAR space running out and incapacitating the whole device".. to the point where device changes its state to "INOPERATIVE" where you can not see license nor provisioning any longer untill you restore VAR space. Is there a way to to increase VAR space , or is there a better way to manage VAR space ? Can there be an alert setup when VAR space would be approaching critical "available space" teshold? If so, how could one approach this solution ( if there is one ) ? Many Thanks in advance John461Views0likes2Commentsunable to install 2nd image to F5 VE LTM but can not resize disk
I have a VE in AWS with two images on it. When I went to install a third I got this error "failed (Disk full (volume group). See SOL#10636)" I deleted the failed partition and the unused partition and tried again. Still received the same error typing "vgs", shows "vg-db-sda 1 9 0 wz--n- 99.79g 9.71g"...................9.71G is not enough free space but none seems to have been recovered by deleting the second partition. I tried using this article https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K74200262 to free up some space using "lvreduce --resizefs --size -10G /dev/vg-db-sda/dat.appdata" but that fails with "resize2fs: Inappropriate ioctl for device While trying to add group #4096" so I have a VE with one active partition and no way to apparently load any other images........I have similar images with 3 partitions so I am really unclear what is going on. Seems like deleting volumes/partition did not recover any space. Unit has been reloaded a couple of times. Any help would be appreciated Thanks628Views0likes3CommentsVCMP Increase /var Directory
Hi all, I have seen K14952 in regards to increasing directories on a VE. I have also reviewed K24156414 regarding increasing the disk space on a VCMP guest, however this seems cover increasing the size of HD1 rather than any of the directories. Can K14952 be used to increase the /var directory on physical units or VCMP guests as well? The use case here is that /var only has 3GB of disk space, so storing more than two UCS files (~500 MB) on the box in addition to the APM clients and EPSEC packages can quickly use that 3GB. I'm aware that best practice is to download a UCS off the unit and I'm also aware that I change the thresholds disk usage alerts via K8865. I'm trying to gauge if increasing /var is even possible or worth it. Thanks in advance!483Views1like1CommentAOM configuration on 3900
Hi, I have an disk issue with one bigip that I'm working on. The recommended action for this is to reboot the divice and run a fsck. https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/10000/300/sol10328.html The solution guid asks me to have direct access to the device when doing this. Is AOM good enough? Then I got the next issue. Is it not possible to configure AOM through SSH for the 3900 platform? http://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/solutions/public/9000/600/sol9608.html Regards Andréas263Views0likes1Commentclean-up storage
f5 BIG-IP LTM VE v11.4.0 ESXi VM 200 gb hdd 16 gb ram Does BIG-IP provide a "clean up" mechanism to reclaim allocated but unused space ? For example, this could be temp files created by various admin console operations, such as loading external-data-files. Perhaps there is a tmsh command ?223Views0likes1Comment