Forum Discussion

Jad_Tabbara__J1's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 16, 2019

Does F5 encrypts traffic internally from a VS to another VS ?

Dear community, 



VS_Parent with clientssl + serverssl profiles and an iRule (that is responsible for routing the traffic to the child VSs based on the FQDN for example) 

VS_Child1  has clientssl + serverssl profiles 

VS_Child2 has clientssl + serverssl profiles  


All VSs are on the same BIGIP. 

Client < Encrypted Channel 1 > VS_Parent < Encrypted Channel 2 > VS_Child1 or VS_Child2 < Encrypted Channel 3 > Pool_Member 



Based on the theory, the BIG-IP should have 3 encrypted channels

To confirm that, I've done a "tcpdump" on the child VS to see if the traffic is encrypted. I can't see any SSL packet using Wireshark. 

Does F5 encrypts traffic routed from a VS_Parent to a VS_Child ? Or it doesn't encrypt it, in order to optimize resource utilization ? 


Thanks for your help 





  • Hi Jad,


    I had already asked myself the question.


    So Yes, F5 encrypts traffic routed from a VS_Parent to a VS_Child.


    I validate my supposition by removing SSL Client in VS_Child  and noticed that access to my service was not functional.


    Additional you can use my Debug irule (hosted in devcentral) that allow you to see that Cipher/protocol used in both VS (Child an parent).


    I advise you to process a ssldum using this kb:



    So in child vs, initiate a basic capture:


    tcpdump -vvv -s 0 -nni external -w /var/tmp/www-ssl-client.cap host and port 443


    then check ssl exchange:


    ssldump -nr /var/tmp/www-ssl-client.cap


    keep me in touch.



  • Hi Jad,


    I had already asked myself the question.


    So Yes, F5 encrypts traffic routed from a VS_Parent to a VS_Child.


    I validate my supposition by removing SSL Client in VS_Child  and noticed that access to my service was not functional.


    Additional you can use my Debug irule (hosted in devcentral) that allow you to see that Cipher/protocol used in both VS (Child an parent).


    I advise you to process a ssldum using this kb:



    So in child vs, initiate a basic capture:


    tcpdump -vvv -s 0 -nni external -w /var/tmp/www-ssl-client.cap host and port 443


    then check ssl exchange:


    ssldump -nr /var/tmp/www-ssl-client.cap


    keep me in touch.



    • Jad_Tabbara__J1's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Hello Youssef,


      Thanks for your answer. Using the "tcpdump + ssldump" I can see the SSL Handshake on the VS_CHILD...


      Before posting my question, I've done same capture using tcpdump, but I used Wireshark to see the SSL Handshake.


      My wireshark was not parsing the SSL traffic correctly, indeed using my colleague Wireshark we can see the SSL Handshake. I will re-install my wireshark to correct this.


      So the issue come from my wireshark :D


      Thank you you helped me to answer 2 questions in one :p



  • Hello Jad,


    Glad to have been able to bring you my help my dear.

