Nov 03, 2023Cirrus
fellow traffic
hi everyone!
I need to know how to check the traffic hits on specific VS whether this traffic is local or external through the CLI or configuration utility.
Najm You should be able using the following iRule.
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 500 { log local0. "[virtual] - client ip=[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]" }
Alternatively, if you needed to see it right then in the CLI you can look at the connection table and look at the client_addr section to see the true client IP. The following page should provide additional information to assist you.
To check traffic hits on a specific Virtual Server (VS) in Citrix ADC through the CLI, use the command: `nsconmsg -K /var/nslog/newnslog -d stats -g service -c showstats | grep "<VS_NAME>"`. Analyze the output for hit count details.