Forum Discussion
Common Virtual Server for redirection for multiple virtual server
I have 10 Virtual servers which are listening on port 443. And I have created 1 VS for each application (10 VS listening on port 80) for redirection to port 443 if someone tries to access via port 80.
Is there any way to create only one (common) virtual server for all applications for redirection instead of creating 10 different VS with redirection profile for 10 different application?
If you have 1 VS on port 443 you will need 1 VS on port 80, because you probably use a DNS name for each VS.
If you use the _sys_https_redirect iRule the redirection is based on hostname. You can simply create a redirect VS that listen on a network range or an address list. I prefer an adress range.
- G-RobEmployee
In newer versions of TMOS, you can assign multiple destination IP addresses on a single virtual server. More details:
Simply add multiple virtual servers with the _sys_https_redirect iRule to accomplish this.
ushan If your intent is to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS you can create one virtual server (VS) listening on any source and destination and port 80 with the default iRule _sys_https_redirect associated to it which will redirect everything to port 443 coming in on port 80. This link has a good list of how the port, ip, and port priority works.
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