OK. I think I see the disconnect. I apologize.
There are three methods for doing this:
evict_all_ramcache_entries Resets/evicts all cache entries. BIG-IP_v9.0.5
evict_ramcache_entry Note: This function has been deprecated. Please use evict_ramcache_entry_v2. Resets/evicts the cache entries associated with the specified keys. Note: The "max_responses" field in each RAMCacheKey key is ignored in this method. BIG-IP_v9.0.5
evict_ramcache_entry_v2 Resets/evicts the cache entries associated with the specified keys. Note: The "max_responses" field in each RAMCacheKey key is ignored in this method.
The first takes no input and flushes the entire RAMCache.
The second was deprecated.
I think that you will need to use the third (evict_ramcache_entry_v2). It takes the following Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
keys RAMCacheKey[] The keys used to evict the RAM cache entries.
exact_match boolean Whether to look for an exact match for host and uri. If exact, you must specify host and uri in the key. If non-exact, host and uri can be a subset of the text in a matched entry during the search.
I haven't used this method yet but I am currently working on a thick client application for this and will post the method when I have it completed.