Forum Discussion
Block specific parameter value
Hello All,
I am working on WAF policy where i need to allow any query paramter vlaue but block ones with sites or hostnames, example below.
BLOCK : https://hostname/index.html?para1=
ALLOW: https://hostname/index.html?para1=name1.html
I dont have the option to use static parameter type because of the nature of the web app, can someone share ideas or best approch ?
you say that you want to prevent sites and hostnames as parameter value. But in my opinion this is a site:
ALLOW: https://hostname/index.html?para1=name1.html
Or do you consider this a page and pages are allowed?
Could you explain what you are trying to protect or prevent with this? Are you trying to protect yourself from CSRF? There is a solution for this: K11930: Overview of the BIG-IP ASM CSRF protection feature.
However, in my opinion this rather sounds like something that should be solved at the level of the application and not in a WAF.
Daniel- AHMADADAltostratus
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your response.
Exactly, i considered this a page and its allowed but i don't want users to insert sites in parameter values, i 100% agree with you that this is something should be resolved at application side but was trying to help in my end as workaround 😉
Thanks for sharing the CSRF link, we don't want to apply this solution as we have not tested it for this specific application and it may has negative side effects
- Ismael_GoncalvesEmployee
It seems you are trying to protect against a SSRF attack. We would need to know more on the what kind of input should be allowed in this parameter, but I antecipate a couple of options that could help you mitigating the problem:
1) Configure SSRF signatures on the parameters to prevent common SSRF targets (this might not cover all the attack scenarios)
2) Disable meta character "/" and "." in case they are not expected (as well as other meta-characters) for the parameter
3) Configure minum/maximum lenght of the parameter
4) Configure the parameter with a Regular Expression representing the data you are expecting
5) Configure an Enum list in the param with expected values (this is completely static)
6) If you are on BIG-IP 16.1.x verify if the SSRF protection could help with your scenario: and here 2 cents.
- AHMADADAltostratus
Thanks a lot for the helpful options, i will definitely consider options 1,2 and 6.
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