Forum Discussion

THE_BLUE's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 06, 2022

ASM block all whitelisted urls and parameters in standby device

ASM block all whitelisted urls and parameters in standby device and it allow them in active device. if i faliover to standby device my website doesnt work. where it's working fine if i failover back to my active device.

i have checked the number of whitlisted url and parameters in both devices and they are same. i have tried to check the sync so i have created security policy (test_policy) in active device with transpernet mode , and then i have checked the standby device and (test_policy) exist but in blocking mode not trasperent. i don't know why it has been changed.

Also, i have created security policy (test_policy2) in active device with blocking mode , and then i have checked the standby device and (test_policy2) exist but in blocking mode too. it's remain as it is.

while i'm checking learning and blocking settings in both devices, i noticed that, the default microservices is transpernt in active device and the default microservices is blocking in standby device i don't know if this the issue.

I have checked asm logs in standby device and i find sth like the below:

ASM subsystem error (,F5::ASMConfig::Handler::log_error_and_rollback): Expected size of /ts/var/sync/sync_xxxxxxxxx__full_update (256769544) does not match actual size (139853824)


ASM subsystem error (,F5::ASMConfig::Handler::spawn_relay_handler): Error during 'sync_receive_file_part' while in sync recovery state. Giving up. State may be inconsistent with other peers.

kindly advice.