Forum Discussion

Vitor_Gasparin1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 14, 2015

blade 1 quorum state decreasing from running to quorum

Hello everybody!

I have just got these logs in my LTM:

"Blade 1 quorum state decreasing from RUNNING to QUORUM"

"Blade 1 quorum state decreasing from QUORUM to RUNNING"

This environment is a 2x Viprion 2400 with 3x Blades 2100 each.

We have configured 2 vcmp using 4x cores and 3x slots each.

I could also notice that both admin and vcmp CPU are very high. Maybe this log is trying to say something about it and I am not able to identify.

I have already searched about it on AskF5 and here. However, I could not find anything. Can anyone help me?

3 Replies

  • << I have already searched about it on AskF5 and here. However, I could not find anything. Can anyone help me? >> that usually support is the best way to go, of course someone might have seen it here. but even then support is probably the next step.
  • I got a response from F5 Support and they said that the log output I showed is not representative of any errors for which we could point to a bug id. The output is informational and represents the cluster actions which happen as a matter of design. So it is probably being caused by another system error that we do not know yet.