Forum Discussion
bigip_ucs_fetch unsupported parameter only_create_file
Hey Mike_A - I see nobody has replied to you yet. I featured this in this week's Highlights article to get more eyes on it. Are you still seeing the error? I've asked a colleague to come take a look as well.
- Mike_ADec 07, 2022Nimbostratus
Leslie_Hubertus Thanks for featuring this article, much appreciated. I just reran the job with the same results, 'unsupported parameter'.
- AubreyKingF5Dec 09, 2022Moderator
Hi there. Quick question.. it looks like you're on an old version of the collection. will v2 not work?
Also, can you paste your play, please?
- Mike_ADec 12, 2022Nimbostratus
AubreyKingF5 what do you mean by an old version of the collection? The collection being used is the imperative f5_modules collection. Is the version 2 you're referencing the declarative f5_bigip collection? I am using the imperatve collection which is docmented here ( it has all the referenced information stating that this module 'bigip_ucs_fetch' supports the 'only_create_file' option.
Below is the play you are asking for.
--- - name: Set Current Time and Date command: date "+%m-%d-%y" register: date delegate_to: localhost run_once: True - name: Set Hostname set_fact: f5_device: "{{ inventory_hostname + '-' + date.stdout + '-backup.ucs' }}" - name: debug fact debug: var: f5_device - name: Create UCS Backup bigip_ucs_fetch: src: '{{ f5_device }}' only_create_file: yes provider: '{{ provider }}' delegate_to: localhost
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