Forum Discussion
bigip_ucs_fetch unsupported parameter only_create_file
Leslie_Hubertus Thanks for featuring this article, much appreciated. I just reran the job with the same results, 'unsupported parameter'.
Hi there. Quick question.. it looks like you're on an old version of the collection. will v2 not work?
Also, can you paste your play, please?
- Mike_ADec 12, 2022Nimbostratus
AubreyKingF5 what do you mean by an old version of the collection? The collection being used is the imperative f5_modules collection. Is the version 2 you're referencing the declarative f5_bigip collection? I am using the imperatve collection which is docmented here ( it has all the referenced information stating that this module 'bigip_ucs_fetch' supports the 'only_create_file' option.
Below is the play you are asking for.
--- - name: Set Current Time and Date command: date "+%m-%d-%y" register: date delegate_to: localhost run_once: True - name: Set Hostname set_fact: f5_device: "{{ inventory_hostname + '-' + date.stdout + '-backup.ucs' }}" - name: debug fact debug: var: f5_device - name: Create UCS Backup bigip_ucs_fetch: src: '{{ f5_device }}' only_create_file: yes provider: '{{ provider }}' delegate_to: localhost
- AubreyKingF5Jan 04, 2023Moderator
Can you try setting only_create_file to true instead of yes? The documentation is not clear.
- Mike_AJan 04, 2023Nimbostratus
Still looks like it just doesnt recognize the parameter in the module.
You can see below the src call out that only_create_file has been set to true.
{ "msg": "Unsupported parameters for (bigip_ucs_fetch) module: only_create_file Supported parameters include: attributes, backup, content, create_on_missing, delimiter, dest, directory_mode, encryption_password, fail_on_missing, follow, force, group, mode, owner, provider, regexp, remote_src, selevel, serole, setype, seuser, src, unsafe_writes", "invocation": { "module_args": { "src": "", "only_create_file": true, "provider": { "user": "admin", "password": "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER", "server": "", "validate_certs": false, "server_port": null, "ssh_keyfile": null, "transport": "rest", "timeout": null, "auth_provider": null } } }, "_ansible_no_log": false, "changed": false, "_ansible_delegated_vars": { "ansible_host": "localhost", "ansible_port": null, "ansible_user": "admin", "ansible_connection": "local" } }
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