Forum Discussion
Big-IP Edge Client / Windows 10 1809 - No internet connection with connected VPN
Hi everybody
I've updated my computer to Windows 10 Build 1809:
After a successfull connection with Big-IP Edge Client VPN the internet connection is broken. Ping to Google DNS servers with connected VPN:
We have configured Network Access with "split tunneling". The very same VPN worked perfectly with the previous build of Windows 10 (1803).
Version of VPN client: 7160,2018,417,2013
Does anyone run into the same problem?
Thank you, John
The latest windows update for Windows 10 1809 January 22, 2019—KB4476976 (OS Build 17763.292) seems to fix the issue!
- jone14_166962
I just tested with the latest version of the Big IP Edge client (7171.2018.808.2011). Same behavior, it doesn't work either.
- NasimMalik_3304
Yes, SSL F5 VPN doesn't work on Window 10 1809 machine.Logged a call with F5 support and they advised below '' At the moment the reported issue is escalated to our Product Development team. New software defect ID745498 with a title "[Windows RS5]OS doesn't using default route if config with split tunnel" was created to track that issue. ''
Tested on one of window machine 1809 and it seems working.
Route print -p netmask default gateway Route print -p netmask default gateway
But ,This is not the fix, but the workaround while the issue is being analyzed by F5 product developers.
- jone14_166962
Thank you for the useful information! I hope, we will get a fix soon..
- Chris_T_373828
I encountered a similar issue today after receiving the 1809 update yesterday. I have no Internet access when the VPN is connected. I haven't found a workaround.
Any workaround is appreciated.
- Chris_T_373828
There's a Knowledge Center article describing this issue and a workaround. As an end user I don't have the configuration utility that is mentioned.
- Toby_Garcia_146
If you're an administrator on the device, you may be able to update add a static route to force traffic through the tunnel. But that won't work if the access policy is setup to drop the connection if the routing table changes.
In that case, your APM admin must update the policy with the workaround.
- Portallion_1480
NasimMalik, did you say you have found a workaround for this? Your comment suggests as much, but there is no info on what you did.
- Toby_Garcia_146
Looks like a known issue article has been published. Per the article, the workaround is to force all traffic through the tunnel (i.e. disable split tunnel).
- NasimMalik_3304
Hi Chris, Please see below the latest update from F5 support. Hello Nasim.
Thank you for an update. Yes, the workaround should work.
I don't have right now much info about the bug details and when the permanent fix is ready. Currently, I'd recommend not moving other machines which normally use SSL VPN to release 1809 until the fix is ready. For those machines which have been already moved to 1809, you can use the mentioned workaround.
1803 (RS4) version shouldn't be affected by the mentioned bug but you can double-check.
Windows 10 version history
I propose the following -> you will fully test the workaround and update me; from my end I will monitor the bug related updates (it is being handled with high priority by our product developers) and when I have something I will let you know.
I haven't tested it to windows 1803 version and as it looks to me as temporary fix and hard to implement on large scale.
- NasimMalik_3304
Sorry to mention the whole process of this temporary work around.
Here you go.
On each affected PC split the default gateway for two routes:
Step : 1 delete,
Step: 2 ( add and I applied below command.
Route print -p netmask default gateway (Ip address of your default gateway) Route print -p netmask default gateway(Ip address of your default gateway)
I hope, this temporary workaround can fix the issue. Thanks
- Chris_T_373828
Below are workaround instructions that worked for me as an end user. This is not intended as central workaround a for a multi-user deployment.
Start cmd as administrator. One way to do this is
win+r cmd ctrl+shift+enter
Find the Gateway ip address for your Internet connection using the route print command in the administrator command prompt. You'll find it in the first entry in the IPv4 Route Table where Network Destination is and the Netmask is You will use the Gateway ip address in the next step. The following step assumes that the Gateway ip address is
route print
Enter the following commands to route Internet traffic through your Internet connection's gateway. Use your gateway's IP address for the last address in the following commands. The first two commands make certain that the appropriate entries exist and may generate a benign error message.
route add mask route add mask route change mask route change mask rem hit enter to make certain that the prior command is executed
- NasimMalik_3304
Hi Chris,
Great, but could we apply this workaround to large scale (I mean to say a organisation who has more than 100 sites and each site has own default gateway) ?
- Secondly, if just BEACUASE OF THIS FEATURE UPDATE we force all traffic to tunnel( internet and Corporate ) then 1. we are not using F5 as split tunnel feature 2. before enable do we need to know which F5 model can able to handle all traffics ?
- Chris_T_373828
This workaround is for an end client and is not for a multi-user deployment. I just needed it to work for me. I'm not an administrator and not able to recommend a workaround for a multi-user environment.
- a_basharat
Hi all, Is this something we could cure using a different version of APM [i.e 13.1.1 or v.14]?? I am on version
- jone14_166962
Update: F5 VPN with split tunnling is working again with Windows 10 Insider Preview 18272.1000.
I think there is a good chance that Microsoft will include this fix in the next official cumulative update.
- a_basharat_2591
We have some users on windows build 1809, and experiencing issues as can't go to the internet while on the F5-VPN. On our APM policy, routing changes while on the VPN are not allowed and drop the connection. So if we can not change the routing table on the desktop as workaround, Can the Windows 10 be upgraded or downgraded to a newer or older version far from 1809 build? How ease or difficult is this?
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