Forum Discussion
APM Domain/Username for RADUIS Auth
Hello community,
could you help me with the following?.
I've a simple per session AD Authentication policy -> working fine
2nd. I've a per-request-policy for specific paths which are secured with a 2FA Radius auth -> working also fine
For user simplicity I would take over the username (domain\username) from per session AD Logon Page to per-request Logon Page. This only works in part :-/
At the moment I can pre-fill the username via session variable "session.logon.last.logonname" in the Logon Page.
Username in Logon Page set to "Ready Only"
After generating an OTP the APM log is showing the following error:
"RADIUS Agent: Failed to read Username Source session variable:"
Obviously, the variable is empty, despite pre-filling.
I experimented a little with Variable Assign (implemented after Logon Page) but nothing changed.
-> "RADIUS Agent: Failed to read Username Source session variable:"
session.logon.last.username = expr { "[mcget {session.logon.last.domain}]\\[mcget {session.logon.last.username}]" }
session.logon.last.logonname = expr { "[mcget {session.logon.last.domain}]\\[mcget {session.logon.last.username}]" }
Everything is working fine with a manual input of the domain\username in the Logo Page.
Does someone have an idea to solve the issue/problem?
Thanks a lot.
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