Forum Discussion

Aabuitrago's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 11, 2019

iRule HTTP to HTTPS redirect keep port and uri



Does anyone knows the correct syntax of an irule to redirect http to https and keeping the port


for example --> redirect_to -->



  • You may need to be careful with this one as you could end up in a redirect loop.

    Also you can't have an HTTP and an HTTPS VIP both on the same port on the same device. Are you doing SSL pass-through or offloading?


  • Ok, thnak you for your prompt response.


    To give you a few more details.


    My VServer is configure to use HTTPS. So the Link should work like


    Now, the application server for some reason response back with a URL on this form


    And what i wanted to do is replace that URL response with



  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Is "" a redirect issued by the app server, or is it an embedded link in the HTML page returned in the response?


    It is always the best to try to fix the issue in the application first if possible. In the absence of the information what app server it is, you can try the following to inform the application of what scheme is used at the user entry point:


    • Create an HTTP profile for your virtual server;
    • In the field "Request Header Insert" of the profile, enter "X-Forwarded-Proto: https".


    If the app server is load-balancer-aware, this should be enough for the app to know what scheme to use when it constructs a self-referencing URL.


  • Hi JG,


    thank you for your help. Its a redirect issued by the app server. The app server is sending back the entire URL including the port.



    • Lee_Sutcliffe's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

      I would echo everything JG has said.

      if an application is issuing a redirect with a local port in the response, it ideally needs fixing on the application.

      Reason being, you may end up with absolute HTML references that also need correcting.

      That said, if it is just a redirect you could use the following (this is untested as I've written this on my phone)

      when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if { [HTTP::is_redirect] }{
          HTTP::header replace Location "https://[getfield [HTTP::host] : 1][HTTP::uri]"
  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    Still, it is best to have this fixed at the application if possible.

  • Thank you for all your suggestions. I've tested and it worked.. But i'll check the issue at the application server side as mentioned.


    thanks again.