Forum Discussion

Lynxus_177337's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 17, 2014

Why doesnt Vlan and IP information "sync" ?

Hi Guys,   I am fairly new to this, I have two F5 LTM's with a dedicated HA cable/vlan between them.   HA is created, both are talking active/standby however, if i create a Layer2 vlan on the a...
  • Mahmoud_Eldeeb_'s avatar
    Dec 17, 2014

    Actually LTM sync is little bit differ than other devices, the network part which include ip addresses, vlans, trunks, route,.... is not included in sync process. so you have to do it manually in both units, make sure you are using same name in each node, both should be identical