Website monitoring - not just homepage
We are currently monitoring each website's homepage using a Monitor that looks like so:
GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: Close\r\n
The monitor checks for a string "Object Moved" because the homepages are redirecting to Home.aspx.
We have set up this health check to check for the string "Object Moved" because when that string is not found on the page, a blank, untitled page is found and we didn't want users browsing the websites to see blank pages.
We have eliminated blank pages on the website homepages using this check, however we have been finding that we're seeing blank untitled pages beneath the homepages, such as on an article page: - this sometimes displays as a blank untitled white page.
Is there some sort of an iRule or another health monitor that we can put into place that would check each and every request, and if a blank white untitled page is found, or a certain string isn't found, the health check would fail, and / or the iRule would re-select another node that is serving up legit content?
Our sites have thousands of articles on them, so writing thousands of health monitors wouldn't be the best solution. I've been tasked with creating some sort of check or iRule script.
I am thinking that this should be possible by:
1) Scan each request
2) Make a connection to the server
3) Verify that a string is or is not found
4) Send traffic to the server
5) If blank page / string is /is not found, reselect another node
Does anyone know if this is possible?