Forum Discussion
Vmware View Horizon - APM V13.1
I'm trying to configure VMware View on APM F5 with the iApps template "f5.vmware_view.v.1.5.9"...we use the protocole BLAST on tcp port 8443 and not PcOIP. I didn't find anything about configure BLAST with F5 APM below V14.
Someone could tell me if how to configure VMware View horizon on F5 APM,..Do I need to configure the VS manually and not configure with the iApp ?
I would like to configure APM for authentification externaly user and forward the trafic to LTM device for load balancing VMware View connexion but I didn't find anthing about this configuration.
- Dave_W
You should be able to do this with the iApp per the Deployment Guide, page 22:
- Miguel_1400
Thank you for your reply, yes but I don't have the field mentionned in the guide for BLAST configuration when I create my iApp on my APM
- potato_14
This issue still exists, as it was never solved. The issue is that when you enable APM the Horizon View iApp does not create a forwarding VS for Blast-TCP-8443, only Blast-UDP-8443. When is there an updated iApp coming that will fix this, this should have never been released with this priority functionality missing for Blast.
- Matt_Mabis
Hey All
Just to follow-up on this,
The reason UDP ports weren't implemented in the 13.x line via the iAPP was becasue the code was released during the initial 14.x cycle. it was back-ported to certain revisions of 13.x IIR was IAPPs arent designed to look for very specific build numbers and above from their perspective they really look at the first two octects in the string 13.1, 14.0 etc...
Here was the article i published back when we relelased it for 14.0
From the TCP side of the house we implemented the iAPP so that it would utilize the 443 port for all things TCP (Authentication [443]/PCoIP TCP [4172]/Blast [8443]) this is why there are no TCP ports created during this process. IIR we supported TCP Blast (HTML5) in 12.x thats why we bundled all the TCP ports under 443 and is still the method used today.
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