Forum Discussion
VIP stats required
Hi folks,
we need to gather stats for multiple vips like total bandwidth and total number of HTTP requests for a month we need a ball park figure for that. How we can gather these if we are not using/provisoned AVR module.
You can go "old school" with SNMP 🙂
Poll the appropriate OIDs with your favorite SNMP tools and write some code to aggregate what you need.
AVR / telemetry streaming is the way to do any real trending, both are free - license wise.
A quick solution although less robust is to use bigtop, it takes some playing with the switchs , but it might give you what you are looking for.
from CLI - from bash,
uptime <---tell you how long the box has been up
bigtop -vname -nodes 0 -reqs <---should give you a starting point you can divide out days into requests....
you can clear stat counters on the VS - and it will give you a starting point and time use that on a daily check - or get crazy and write a cronjob to kick off XX times a day /week, with the -once command
Quick help = bigtop --help
longer help = man bigtop- Roy_JeeNimbostratus
Thanks for rplying . On Rseries I have provisioned the AVR module >> Create Analytical Profile >> Attach specifc VIP to that Profile . But still no logging of stats in stats >> HTTP >>Overview Tab . can you please help me discover what might be the issue here .
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