Forum Discussion

Kevin_382901's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 16, 2019

Using iControlREST to list entries in ramcache

I'm trying to build a bash script to query the F5 so that we can see what entries are on the ramcache profile. I am able to delete entries with:




but I can't find out how to do something like that but for getting info:




I see cryptic mentions online and in the docs that this is possible, but I can't figure it out. Am I going about this the wrong way?


  • In tmsh, you need to use

    command to view the LTM ramcache profile data: e.g.,

    tmsh show ltm profile ramcache webacceleration

    Fot the iControl REST equivalent, then, add

    to the endpoint (an endpoint without
    is for tmsh's
    command). So,

    curl -sku : https:///mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/ramcache/webacceleration/stats

    should show the current cache.

    Similarly, to remove the cache completely (

    tmsh delete ltm profile ramcache webacceleration

    curl -sku : https:///mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/ramcache/webacceleration -X DELETE

    See also K13255: Displaying and deleting HTTP cache entries from the command line (11.x - 13.x).

  • Here's a tmsh command example for removing the specific cache entry from the webacceleration ramcache by URI. In this case,


    tmsh delete ltm profile ramcache webacceleration uri /foo.html

    The iControl REST equivalent is

    curl -sku : -X DELETE \

    There are many ways to manipulate the cache entries. Please refer to the tmsh help (from the tmsh prompt,

    help ltm profile ramcache

    By the way, please consider posting the equivalent tmsh command you wish to perform if possible. That way, people can know exactly what you would like to do.