Jul 21, 2016Nimbostratus
Using Exchange 2016 and Exchange 2010 servers in the same pool
Hey DevCentral,
We're looking at migrating from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016, so there will be a period where we will have both 2010 and 2016 servers running. Is it possible to have both types...
- Jul 21, 2016
Hi jleach, I would just deploy using the 2016 iApp with only 2016 servers in the pool. If they receive a request for a 2010 mailbox, they'll proxy it themselves. You'd have a problem deciding which iApp to use because persistence is required for 2010 and not 2016, but the default 2016 Outlook protocol (MAPI-over-HTTP) is not supported in the 2010 iApp. So if you wanted both versions in the pool, you'd need to deploy the 2016 iApp, disable strictness, and apply the persistence scheme from the 2010 template to all clients.