Forum Discussion
use irule to sign data using sha256
- Dec 01, 2022
Hi Quangtran,
do you want to calculate the HMAC-checksum for the entire POST-data (Scenario 1) or just the "data" value itself (Scenario 2)?
Scenario 1:
hmac-sha256( the received POST string as-is including outer curly braces )
Scenario 2:
hmac-sha256( FdQZxoYBLPCgv2VPzdiUDA2Xj9KIJ\/I4BSzViIp\/CG\/ktrcdtXGYXQzGaa71R )
The quickly code iRule below uses Scenario 1 as input for HMAC calculation. The iRule uses 4 logical steps to read the payload, calculate the checksum, define the new payload and finally insert the new payload to the HTTP request before its getting forwarded to your backend. Every single step could be easily adjusted based on your needs...
when RULE_INIT { # Define global configuration options set static::max_payload_size "1048576" ;# Limiter for maximum HTTP payload size in bytes set static::hmac_key "Hello World!" ;# Secrect for HMAC signing } when HTTP_REQUEST { # Check if HTTP request contains any HTTP payload and if its size does not exceed our limits... if { ( [string tolower [HTTP::path]] equals "/login" ) and ( [HTTP::method] equals "POST" ) and ( [HTTP::header value "Content-Length"] ne "" ) and ( [HTTP::header value "Content-Length"] < $static::max_payload_size ) } then { # Collect the HTTP payload and trigger HTTP_REQUEST_DATA event HTTP::collect [HTTP::header value "Content-Length"] } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { # Define the input used for HMAC signing set temp(hmac_input) [HTTP::payload] # Compute the HMAC checksum for the input using our secret key set temp(hmac_output) [b64encode [CRYPTO::sign -alg hmac-sha256 -key $static::hmac_key $temp(hmac_input)]] # Contruct the new payload set temp(new_payload) "[string trimright [HTTP::payload] "\}"],\"hashsha256\":\"$temp(hmac_output)\"\}" # Replace the payload HTTP::payload replace 0 [HTTP::payload length] $temp(new_payload) unset -nocomplain temp }
At later stage we may or may not combine those 4 logical steps into a single syntax line, to reduce processing overhead to a minimum.. 😉
when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { # Replace the payload with HMAC signed payload... HTTP::payload replace 0 [HTTP::payload length] "[string trimright [HTTP::payload] "\}"],\"hashsha256\":\"[b64encode [CRYPTO::sign -alg hmac-sha256 -key $static::hmac_key [HTTP::payload]]]\"\}" }
Cheers, Kai
Try this: it will add the hex string to the end of the payload
if { [HTTP::header exists Content-Length] } {
HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length]
set sha [HTTP::payload]
binary scan $sha h* shahex
HTTP::payload replace [HTTP::payload length] [string length $shahex] $shahex
- quangtranNov 29, 2022
thanks you, i will try it
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