Forum Discussion

Mandragor's avatar
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Jun 26, 2017

Unable to use RDP in APM portal - Java applet cannot be started

Attempts with Chrome and Firefox with recent Java (8u131) results in "Java applet cannot be started. Please make sure that a required version of Java is installed."-error when attempting to start the Java Applet RDP-client from an APM webtop. This is on BIG-IP 11.6.1.


I see there is the option of running a native RDP client on BIG-IP 13.0, but is there some work-around available on 11.X?


  • Hi,


    Java and plugins are no more supported since Chrome 52 and latest version of firefox.


    The following article apply to plugins but it's the same for Java.


    You can use Native RDP in v13.0.


    You can use Citrix, Vmware View in version 11, 12 or 13


    You can use another third party product like remotespark


    Or some Open Source products like Guacamole you publish through F5 APM.


  • I saw that article from 2009 earlier, I don't think it applies here since the issue is seen on Windows.