Decrypting BIG-IP Packet Captures Automatically
Back in April, I released the first of hopefully many tools (Automating Packet Captures on BIG-IP) that will assist those responsible for responding to all those directed "It's the BIG-IP!" and "It's the network!" accusations. In this article, I expand on that work by adding automatic decryption to the toolbelt.
Changes and Enhancements
The previous tool was focused on gathering support files for a case. It requested a virtual server name, a source IP for capturing test traffic, and a case number, which was used in naming the packet capture, sessions keys, and qkview files. For this tool, I stripped out the qkview and case-related steps to focus on just taking a capture against a virtual server. I retained the source IP for test traffic, though I might create another version that captures all sessions as well.
For enhancements, I have two minor changes and one major change. First was to ask for a capture duration so you can specify n number of seconds to run the capture, and second, asking for capture filters that will be applied in addition to the virtual server host IP.
def run_tcpdump(bigip, duration, virtual_name, filters):
datestring ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
vip = bigip.load(f'/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual/{virtual_name}')
virtual_ip ='destination').split('/')[-1].split(':')[0]
dump_string = TCPDUMP_BASH_STRING.replace('CAP_SECS', duration)
if filters == '':
dump_string = dump_string.replace('VIRTUAL_IP', f'host {virtual_ip}')
dump_string = dump_string.replace('VIRTUAL_IP', f'host {virtual_ip} {filters} ')
dump_string = dump_string.replace('DATESTRING', datestring)
print(f'\tStarting tcpdump...please reproduce your issue now.')
data = {'command': 'run', 'utilCmdArgs': f'-c "{dump_string}"'}
bigip.command('/mgmt/tm/util/bash', data)
except RESTAPIError:
print(f'\ttcpdump complete...continuing.')
return f'autocap_{datestring}.pcap'
Thirdly, the major change was to use the key files and encrypted packet capture to generate a decrypted version of the packet capture. This requires that wireshark is installed on your system and that that installation also installed the editcap utility.
def decrypt_capture(tcpdump_file, sessionkey_file):
print(f'\tDecrypting capture {tcpdump_file} with session keys in {sessionkey_file}.')
dir = 'output_files'
cmd = f'editcap --inject-secrets tls,{dir}/{sessionkey_file} {dir}/{tcpdump_file} {dir}/decrypted_{tcpdump_file}'
decrypt_file =['editcap',
print(f'\tDecrypted file: {dir}/decrypted_{tcpdump_file}...continuing.')
Script output:
### BIG-IP tcpdump capture collection utility ###
Virtual ext_nerdknobs.tech_443 has associated client-ssl profile
Session keylogger iRule (cache disabled version) created...continuing.
Session keylogger iRule applied to ext_nerdknobs.tech_443...continuing.
Starting tcpdump...please reproduce your issue now.
Session keylogger iRule removed from ext_nerdknobs.tech_443...continuing.
keylogger iRule deleted...continuing.
Secrets key file created (with cache disabled command)...continuing.
Downloading capture and key files from BIG-IP.
autocap_20221230-134941.pcap downloaded.
autocap_sessionsecrets.pms downloaded.
All files downloaded...continuing.
Cleaning up capture and key files on BIG-IP.
autocap_20221230-134941.pcap deleted.
autocap_sessionsecrets.pms deleted.
All files cleaned up on BIG-IP...complete.
Decrypting capture autocap_20221230-134941.pcap with session keys in autocap_sessionsecrets.pms.
Decrypted file: output_files/decrypted_autocap_20221230-134941.pcap...continuing.
And when I open up decrypted_autocap_20221230-134941.pcap and select an HTTP packet (which by itself is evidence I have a decrypted packet!) and select HTTP stream, I can see the request and response:
This script is and is available on GitHub in my pcap_utils repository.
- The work here does not include TLS1.3 decryption.
- There is an alternative approach to the iRules that uses a database key and a tcpdump flag to include the keys in the capture itself instead of having to glean them from log statements.
- We'll take a look at numbers 1 and 2 in this list in an upcoming live coding session. If you aren't a registered member here on DevCentral, make that happen and watch for the details in the DevCentral Connects group.
Nice! The system variable sys db tcpdump.sslprovider is great feature for the new 15.x versions and above 😀
> Nice! The system variable sys db tcpdump.sslprovider is great feature for the new 15.x versions and above
Right and with my tool ahred in last july you can decrypt tls 1.3 also. There is no requirement for the iRule anymore.
I am wondering if my tool can be integrated and if I can use editcap to inject the sessions secrets as done here.
I will try it and post my findings. For reference:
Edit: Unfortunately the editcap tool installed on the f5 has no "--inject-secrets" option, but if you use it on your local pc with wireshark installed, it works also with the pms file generated by my tool.
- David_LarsenEmployee
You could get TLS 1.3 if you modify the irule to meet what is documented here: You would also need to pull the additional values from the log file. But it does do TLS1.3 with the iRule.
- JRahmAdmin
David_Larsen yep...did that in the follow up here but without iRules altogether.
- David_LarsenEmployee
JRahm I saw that but in the case where you aren't allowed to modify sys db variables without change control that would give the ability to gather the data quicker. Thanks for the awesome work.
- JRahmAdmin
oh, gotcha!