Forum Discussion
Jul 06, 2005Unable to LoadBalance HTTPS requests
This iRule works fine for us:
use pool sslpool
but this iRule doesn't:
if (http_uri starts_with "/def/servlet") {
use pool ssl-servlets
else {
use pool sslpool
When the second version is installed in our SSL (port 443) virtual server, all SSL traffic stops flowing (browser hangs) regardless of the URL that is used. When the iRule is changed to the first version, everything works fine. This is with 4.5 PTF03.
I tried to find something like "https_uri" but didn't see it in the docs. Did I miss it?
Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
- Chip
- I don't see any issue with your iRule. There is no https_uri variable as https is a transport level configuration, not at the HTTP level.
if (http_uri starts_with "/def/servlet") { use pool ssl-servlets log "matched host(" + http_host + "), uri(" + http_uri + ") by client(" + client_addr + ") : using ssl-servlets" } else { use pool sslpool log "didn't match host(" + http_host + "), uri(" + http_uri + ") by client(" + client_addr + ") : using sslpool" }
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