Forum Discussion

pcoelho_259389's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 09, 2017

Unable to connect to anything from within SSH terminal

I tried to validate an LDAP monitor query by connecting through putty and running it from the console. But was unable to establish a connection to the LDAP server. I tried ping, unable to connect. So...
  • pcoelho_259389's avatar
    Mar 10, 2017

    Answer to the initial question was to use the "rdsh" command to specify the id of the route domain. This made it possible to ping and execute ldapsearch from within the SSH console.


    the answer for the sub question why doesn't curl connect, was "curl is the wrong tool." If you are connected to the SSH console remotely, TMSH is available, there is no need to use Curl to make a remote REST call from the remote terminal.