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kbks's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 31, 2025

Troubleshooting and logs

Hello, i am trying to build environment for one project. For now i got the first step configured - an app which i need to use with F5 is Keycloak, one www app and xmpp chat. For now, i do not really know what else should i use via f5, only loadbalance of access to keycloak is done. I am using SSL/TLS communication and can log in to keycloak website using f5 as load balancer.

I will be trying to understand how this environment is working now, and will try to determine what should i use via F5.

But what is a little problematic for me is to:
1. find a good articles about configuration f5 - for example simple load balancing with ssl/tls etc step by step - and this is the first question, how do You search for configuration steps of something?

2. second and important thing is - how to troubleshoot and check logs for this kind of communication - please share with me some siple, good written articles. For example, for now i would lik eto check via logs every steps of my communication which is working, i do not really know how and where.

i saw this article Troubleshooting BIG-IP - The Basics | DevCentral - but it is overall info without examples. 

Thank You for Your advices.

Best way would be to understand this logs, if i got knowledge how and what can i find this way i would be able to determine, what configuration i am missing, if something is comunicating properly etc.
Thanks for the help.

  • a very valid question, but also something which can get more complicated then showing a few steps. if at all possible look if you or your company has people around who have already done this and can explain / do it together. an alternative could be a online training for using F5 BIG-IP.

    for what is available online this is a nice introduction with examples and some step by step parts: 

    as for the logging part, out of the box the BIG-IP won't log traffic or show you how it flows through it. it might log some stuff in the /var/log/ltm log for this, but mainly bigger issues (nodes unreachable).

    if you want to see the flow you either have to do a tcpdump or create logging with iRules, this article gives a nice example: 

    • kbks's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      As i understand, this course is not for free, right?
      So, there is no document which can describe with examples how to manage a full connection/data flow?
      Also i do not know method to use wireshark for example for all hosts in few subnets (despite of port cloning on network devices and use a host on this cloned port with wireshark, which i am not able to do on this envronment). Heh this kind of big tool...

      • No, these courses are not free, perhaps your company has a subscription on one of the providers.

        I provided some links which can help. But starting this form scratch without assistance is lots of trial and probably some error.