Forum Discussion

Steven_Le_Roux_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 28, 2012

Transaction issue w/ iControl v11




I run into an issue while I'm trying two things in one transaction :


- set the template property for a given monitor


- assign a monitor on a pool created in the same transaction






Here is the process I would like to have :




1 - Start a transaction


2 - create a pool


3 - create a monitor template


4 - adjust the monitor template (recv and send strings)


5 - assign the created monitor to the created pool


6 - create a virtual address


7 - create a virtual server containing the created pool


8 - set snat automap to the created vs


9 - set vlan to the created vs


10 - submit the transaction






This issue is I have to run steps 4 and 5 out of the transaction so I have :




1 - Start a transaction


2 - create a pool


3 - create a monitor template


6 - create a virtual address


7 - create a virtual server containing the created pool


8 - set snat automap to the created vs


9 - set vlan to the created vs


10 - submit the transaction



4 - adjust the monitor template (recv and send strings)


5 - assign the created monitor to the created pool





If I don't invoke a transaction, this works w/o any problem, so I guess the transaction process, for these two methods, parse the saved configuration w/o taking care of the pending configurations.




Could you confirm the issue ? Do you have plan to include this in a single transaction ?




(I can provide some code implementation if needed)






  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Steven,



    In addition to posting here, I suggest opening a case with F5 Support to request this enhancement to transactions. I am not sure what you're seeing is expected. Maybe Joe can comment on that. But for the RFE, a support case will be the best option.



  • Yes, this is a known issue with transactions. In fact, we talked about it on the recent iControl Guru webcast we did.



    The issue is due to the fact that some of the methods (such as the monitor methods) rely on the underlying objects to be created for internal validation to occur. In a transaction, when the calls are made, validation happens but the objects are not actually created until the commit happens. But, for the methods that have validation that looks for certain objects to physically exist, they will fail.



    Again, this is a known issue and it is only present on a few methods, which you've found some of them.



    First of all, I'd submit a support request to get it fixed.



    Second, as a workaround for now, the best solution is to break your code up into 2 transactions where the monitors are created in a second transaction after the first completes.





  • Posted By Joe on 03/28/2012 08:35 AM


    Yes, this is a known issue with transactions. In fact, we talked about it on the recent iControl Guru webcast we did.



    Yes it was me who asked for this issue :)




    The issue is due to the fact that some of the methods (such as the monitor methods) rely on the underlying objects to be created for internal validation to occur. In a transaction, when the calls are made, validation happens but the objects are not actually created until the commit happens. But, for the methods that have validation that looks for certain objects to physically exist, they will fail.



    Again, this is a known issue and it is only present on a few methods, which you've found some of them.



    First of all, I'd submit a support request to get it fixed.



    Second, as a workaround for now, the best solution is to break your code up into 2 transactions where the monitors are created in a second transaction after the first completes.







    that's what I did until there is a proper solution.