Forum Discussion

sgnormo's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jul 25, 2022

Traffic Policy vs iRule Pool Redirect

I am using a traffic policy to perform pool redirect.  I create the policy and attach to the virtual server.  In the virtual server I set the default pool to none.  I notice on the virtual server page that the icon next to the virtual server turns blue.

when i apply an iRule for a pool redirect and set the default pool to none on the virtual server the icon next to the virtual server turns green.

Is there a way to have the icon turn green next to the virtual server when just using traffic policies on a virtual server

  • Hi 

    you need default pool setting 

    pool LB does not proceed when you set correct policy 


    thank you

  • sgnormo's avatar
    Jul 31, 2022

    I was hoping there was a way so as not to have to set a pool in the virtual server configuration, like i can when using an iRule.  Looks to be limitation with F5 traffic policy.

  • gefra's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi Sgnormo,

    Do you have in your traffic policy also a rule for forwarding the traffic to a default pool in case other rules are not matched. Then you can still use this default pool also on your virtual server > resources > default pool setting. But it's some 'false' status information about the pools you are using in traffic policy.


  • Hi 

    you need default pool setting 

    pool LB does not proceed when you set correct policy 


    thank you

    • sgnormo's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      I was hoping there was a way so as not to have to set a pool in the virtual server configuration, like i can when using an iRule.  Looks to be limitation with F5 traffic policy.