Forum Discussion

Lee_Wendo's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 13, 2022

total-client-side-conns & total-server-side-conns



Why am I not able to get out for {total-client-side-conns total-server-side-conns} on Version- yet I am able to get the output on Version-12.1.0? Is it possible to have Version- giving the output?


[root@AIR_F5_LB_LTM2:Active:In Sync] config # tmsh show analytics virtual report view-by virtual measures {total-client-side-conns total-server-side-conns} range now--now-1h

Syntax Error: total-client-side-conns is not a valid measure

[root@AIR_F5_LB_LTM2:Active:In Sync] config # 

[root@AIR_F5_LB_LTM2:Active:In Sync] config # 

[root@AIR_F5_LB_LTM2:Active:In Sync] config # tmsh show sys version



Main Package

 Product   BIG-IP


 Build    0.0.8

 Edition   Point Release 1

 Date    Mon Dec 11 18:03:30 PST 2017


[root@AIR_F5_LB_LTM2:Active:In Sync] config # 





[root@KE-AIR-F51:Active:In Sync] config # tmsh show analytics virtual report view-by virtual measures {total-client-side-conns total-server-side-conns} range now--now-1h


Analytics query result


Time range: 01/13/2022:12:04 (EAT) ---> 01/13/2022:13:04 (EAT)


name       | total-client-side-conns | total-server-side-conns


/Common/AIR_VS_40 | 29276          | 24

/Common/AIR_VS_42 | 0            | 0


[root@KE-AIR-F51:Active:In Sync] config # 

[root@KE-AIR-F51:Active:In Sync] config # 

[root@KE-AIR-F51:Active:In Sync] config # tmsh show sys version



Main Package

 Product   BIG-IP

 Version   12.1.0

 Build    0.0.1434

 Edition   Final

 Date    Wed May 11 11:45:11 PDT 2016


[root@KE-AIR-F51:Active:In Sync] config # 

  • Hello Lee,

    I've tried this in my lab running version

    The following values can be used as measures:

      avg-client-side-concurrent-conns   max-server-side-concurrent-conns
      avg-server-side-concurrent-conns   requests
      client-side-bits-in                server-side-bits-in
      client-side-bits-out               server-side-bits-out
      client-side-conns                  server-side-conns
      client-side-packets-in             server-side-packets-in
      client-side-packets-out            server-side-packets-out
      hw-syncookies                      syncookies
      hw-syncookies-accepts              syncookies-accepts
      max-client-side-concurrent-conns   syncookies-rejects

    Using client-side-conns and server-side-conns I've had an output pretty similar to yours.

    root@(bigip)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show analytics virtual report view-by virtual measures { client-side-conns server-side-conns } range now--now-1h


    Analytics query result


    Time range: 01/13/2022:13:25 (CET) ---> 01/13/2022:14:25 (CET)


    name            | client-side-conns | server-side-conns


    /Common/vs_Demo-APM-VPN    | 0         | 0

    /Common/vs_Demo-DNS-DMZ      | 0         | 0

    /Common/vs_WAF-Tester    | 0         | 0

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks for responding CA,


    Yes, I had seen "client-side-conns and server-side-conns "...... My concern however was whether this gives same output as "total-client-side-conns and total-server-side-conns". Is the logic behind these 2 options the same? See outputs below, there is a huge difference in the output values which makes me wonder if they are calculating the same thing... Is there a way to replicate logic behind "total-client-side-conns and total-server-side-conns" onto Version-



    root@(KE-AIR-F51)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show analytics virtual report view-by virtual measures {total-client-side-conns total-server-side-conns} range now--now-1h


    Analytics query result


    Time range: 01/13/2022:19:26 (EAT) ---> 01/13/2022:20:26 (EAT)


    name       | total-client-side-conns | total-server-side-conns


    /Common/AIR_VS_40 | 40920          | 36

    /Common/AIR_VS_42 | 0            | 0


    root@(KE-AIR-F51)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 

    root@(KE-AIR-F51)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 

    root@(KE-AIR-F51)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show sys version



    Main Package

     Product   BIG-IP

     Version   12.1.0

     Build    0.0.1434

     Edition   Final

     Date    Wed May 11 11:45:11 PDT 2016


    root@(KE-AIR-F51)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 




    root@(AIR_F5_LB_LTM1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show analytics virtual report view-by virtual measures { client-side-conns server-side-conns } range now--now-1h


    Analytics query result


    Time range: 01/13/2022:19:26 (EAT) ---> 01/13/2022:20:26 (EAT)


    name       | client-side-conns | server-side-conns


    /Common/AIR_VS_1 | 78        | 3

    /Common/AIR_VS_2 | 0         | 0


    root@(AIR_F5_LB_LTM1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 

    root@(AIR_F5_LB_LTM1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 

    root@(AIR_F5_LB_LTM1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# show sys version



    Main Package

     Product   BIG-IP


     Build    0.0.8

     Edition   Point Release 1

     Date    Mon Dec 11 18:03:30 PST 2017


    root@(AIR_F5_LB_LTM1)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# 

    • CA_Valli's avatar
      Icon for MVP rankMVP

      Thinking about it, it's likely that "client/server conns" shows current active connections rather than total.


      I've tried to retrieve the info that would be "total" connection when looking at Module Statistics > Local Traffic in GUI and I wasn't able to with available metrics, as well.

      This info might be somewhere in TCP profiles as well however, but I wasn't able to differenciate it by VS.

  • Okay, noted. Thanks. If there would be a way of adding the "total-client-side-conns and total-server-side-conns" options in Version-, guess that would work. Maybe a way to add it in the configuration or something of the sort.