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chris_connell_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 28, 2009

Question about virtual server bits in



I have a hopefully simple question someone can answer.



I have set up a simple http virtual server and am just sending some connection traffic to it. (simple telnet 80). Its a transparent virtual server and sending the packet to the web server and is working.



However, I noticed that the stats from bigtop or virtual server for "bits in" and "bits out" are different from when I look at the connection from b conn client show all, I was expecting to see same figures in b conn client show all on the client side.



Here is what i mean (after stats are reset).



b virtual HTTP_VS stats





| (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0)


| (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0)


| requests (total) = 0


| PVA (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0)


| PVA (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0)


| PVA assist conns (tot, curr) = (0, 0)


| ephem (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0)


| ephem (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0)


| no nodes errors = 0



b conn client show all



********* I make the connection now *****************



b virtual HTTP_VS stats




| (cur, max, limit, tot) = (1, 1, 0, 1)


| (pkts,bits) in = (2, 960), out = (1, 528) (this make sense - 2 syns in, 1 ack back)


| requests (total) = 0


| PVA (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0)


| PVA (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0)


| PVA assist conns (tot, curr) = (0, 0)


| ephem (cur, max, limit, tot) = (0, 0, 0, 0)


| ephem (pkts,bits) in = (0, 0), out = (0, 0)


| no nodes errors = 0



b conn client show all



VIRTUAL any:http <-> NODE TYPE any 2/1




(pkts,bits) in = (2, 120) out = (1, 66) (number of packets ok, but bits in/out different??)




(pkts,bits) in = (1, 66) out = (2, 120)


PROTOCOL tcp UNIT 1 IDLE 9 (3600) LASTHOP 23 00:1a:64:03:35:8a




Cheers for any help












  • In the above I meant the 3 way handshake sorry, - syn, syn/ack from server, then another syn from me!
  • Hi Chris,



    I'm not sure why the connection table bit count would be different than the b virtual stats. If you don't get an answer here, you might try opening a case with F5 Support. If you find out anything interesting, could you reply here with the response?






    I got the answer from f5..



    Finally I finished my research on the issue.


    The solution is as simple as this: the b conn command shows bytes instead of bits. If you multiply result from b conn by 8 you will get stats from b virtual.


    Just to remind you - entries from the connection table are removed after the connection is terminated or timed out. So it is recommended to use "b virtual" for stats anyway.



    The issue is fixed in 10.1