Forum Discussion

Matt_Breedlove_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 16, 2014

String glob match for dash or hyphen

Having a probem matching a dash/hyphen in a glob string match inside a switch

I tried the classic TCL way to do it which seemed to be to have the hyphen be leading or trailing so it is not seen as a range character, but that is not working in 11.x. Also tried escaping the a trailing dash which also did not work. Looking back at the TCL docs maybe the leading/trailing dash only applies to regex and not glob string?

Originally tried this which did not work

 switch -glob [string tolower [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]] {
      "[pid][re2][do-]*" {
         log local0. "[IP::client_addr]~[HTTP::host]:[TCP::local_port clientside]~[HTTP::uri]"

Then i tried this which also did not work

 switch -glob [string tolower [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]] {
      "[pid][re2][do-]*" {
         log local0. "[IP::client_addr]~[HTTP::host]:[TCP::local_port clientside]~[HTTP::uri]"

Then I ended up working around the problem with this. So my prefix filter is not as good as intended in this workaround.

 switch -glob [string tolower [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]] {
      "[pid][re2]*" {
         log local0. "[IP::client_addr]~[HTTP::host]:[TCP::local_port clientside]~[HTTP::uri]"

So glob string matching on literal dash/hyphen is still needed. Any ideas?

Thanks Matt

  • I am scratching my head trying to see the difference between the first two examples?

    However this expression should do the trick...


3 Replies

  • I am scratching my head trying to see the difference between the first two examples?

    However this expression should do the trick...

    • Matt_Breedlove_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thank you Kevin. Yes that worked, doubling the dashes at the end of the line gave me a literal dash : ) It would be great if this information was in the string/glob wiki page
    • Kevin_Davies_40's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      I actually couldn't find this information anywhere myself and I looked. I just guessed. Programatically whenever there is a character that has a special meaning, there must always be a way to negate that special meaning. The two most common are using a backslash in front or using two of them in a row.