Forum Discussion
I'm looking for the OID of the SSL TPS, like they will be displayed in the "Performance Reports" screen in the section SSL Transactions. As of now I only use the OID for open connections, which is fine for current TCP connections. It also contains a value for SSL connections, but this is only for VPN or APM session, right?
Based on a snmpwalk I identified "ltmClientSslStatCurConns."<clientSSL-profile name>", but this is individual for each SSL-profile. Is there also an automatic sum of all these different sub-OIDs as a single OID or do I have to calculate this in my monitoring tool? I mean, where does the performance graph is taking this information from?
Thank you!
Regards Stefan 🙂
HI Stefan_Klotz:
If it is this picture, it should refer to this K6644
Have a Good Day!
Did you check the OID in the MIB Browser program?
this program is useful for finding OIDs
- Stefan_Klotz
No, I didn't use a MIB browser yet. I made a snmpwalk from the root and enabled logging of the putty-session. I opened the resulted text-file in Excel and splitted the output in several columns. But I will try with a MIB browser as well, maybe I'll find something more.
But still the question to others, if the overall SSL TPS is available as a direct SNMP OID.
Thank you!
Regards Stefan 🙂
- oscarnet
HI Stefan_Klotz:
This is the monitoring of My Prodection environment,
I am using Telegraf + Influxdb + Grafana to gather together.
Hope it helps you.
have a nice day!!!
- JRahm
that looks cool, oscarnet. Could you share more details on how you've integrated those tools into a production workflow? That would make a good CrowdSrc article!
- oscarnet
HI JRahm:
OK~! Give me a few days.
Have a Nice Day!
- Stefan_Klotz
I'm just looking for the values, which will be displayed in this diagram:
I mean, where does the WebGUI taking these values from?
Thank you!
Regards Stefan 🙂
- oscarnet
HI Stefan_Klotz:
If it is this picture, it should refer to this K6644
Have a Good Day!
- JRahm
I'd add that you can gather all the values (if not exactly the OID name at least the relative name) and compare from first /config/stats.conf and the resulting rrd files from the *.info files in /var/rrd, for example, from /var/rrd/
# DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY this autogenerated file. # This file contains the contents of the RRDFILE section # of the statsd.conf file used to # generate the rrdfile: '/var/rrd/connections' # To restore the /config/statsd.conf contents to match this # rrdfile, replace the existing rrdfile entry for /var/rrd/connections # with the contents of this file RRDFILE "/var/rrd/connections" { DATASOURCE "sslcurclientconns" { EXPR "sslcurclientconns" DSTYPE GAUGE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN } DATASOURCE "sslcurserverconns" { EXPR "sslcurserverconns" DSTYPE GAUGE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN } DATASOURCE "ssltotnatclient" { EXPR "ssltotnatclient" DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN } DATASOURCE "ssltotcomclient" { EXPR "ssltotcomclient" DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN } DATASOURCE "ssltotnatserver" { EXPR "ssltotnatserver" DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN } DATASOURCE "ssltotcomserver" { EXPR "ssltotcomserver" DSTYPE DERIVE MIN 0 MAX UNKNOWN }
You can even repurpose that exact data if you want instead of duplicating the polling by using the rrdtool export command. An exmaple of that is shown in this thread.
- Stefan_Klotz
Thanks oscarnet, this is exactly what I'm looking for.
I was almost there, but with the huge amount of OIDs from the root snmpwalk, I had simply overseen this specific OID.
I think I will use the sysClientsslStatCurNativeConns, then I don't need any further calculation.Regards Stefan 🙂
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