Forum Discussion

insert12_38638's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 01, 2012

selection of pool

I have a pool with two web servers but I don’t want to load balance between them – I want one to act as primary and be used for all requests and the second one to be used only if the primary is down/unavailable. I believe none of dynamic or static LB mode will work in this case if i put both members in single pool, it can be achieve able if i use two pool (each member is one pool) and instruct ltm to use one pool as default if that pool is down then use second . would that approach is more authentic? Irule will required for this ?





  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    I would use Priority Group Activation for this.

    Priority-based member activation
    With the Priority Group Activation feature, you can specify the minimum number of members that must remain available in each priority group in order for traffic to remain confined to that group. This feature is used in tandem with the Priority Group feature for individual pool members.
    If the number of available members assigned to the highest priority group drops below the number that you specify, Local Traffic Manager distributes traffic to the next highest priority group, and so on.  

    Hope this helps,
