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jokragly's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 14, 2017

rewrite iRule issues Request & Response

I am having major issues with a rewrite iRule I am trying to get to work. I am running 11.5.3


I have an application that works internally with a horrible name and uri (not FQDN), and the application is dependent on that name and URI. The application does a redirect that they can not remove.


What I am trying to accomplish is the following. 1. rewrite http with https 2. allow the user to enter "" but the server will see that as "horriblename:8088" 3. allow user to enter path of /newapp and the server will see "/site/app/default.aspx" 4. since the server response does a redirect it needs to happen both ways.


when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::host "horriblename:8088" }


that seems to partially work. When I go to it gets me to the site but then the web server does the redirect and my URL changes to horriblename:8088/site/app/default.aspx


Below was my first stab at it but it didn't work


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/newapp" } { In case the server complains, set the host header. HTTP::header replace Host "horriblename:8088" Finally change the URI while on its way to server. HTTP::uri /site/app/default.aspx } Disable the stream filter for all requests STREAM::disable } when HTTP_RESPONSE { Check if response type is text if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"}{ Replace http with https, horriblename:8088 with, /site/app/default.aspx with newapp STREAM::expression [list {@http:\@https:\@} {} {@/site/app/default.aspx@newapp@} ] Enable the stream filter for this response only STREAM::enable } }


  • Hi,

    Could you add the following and check /var/log/ltm to see if its matching correctly...

        when HTTP_REQUEST {
     if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/newapp" } {
             Remove the "Accept-Encoding" header 
                HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"
             In case the server complains, set the host header.        
                HTTP::header replace Host "horriblename:8088" 
             Finally change the URI while on its way to server. 
                HTTP::uri /site/app/default.aspx 
      Disable the stream filter for all requests 
     when HTTP_RESPONSE {
     Check if response type is text 
     if { [HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text" || [HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "xml" } {
         Replace http with https, horriblename:8088 with, /site/app/default.aspx with newapp 
        STREAM::expression [list {@http:\@https:\@} {} { @/site/app/default.aspx@/newapp@} ] 
         Enable the stream filter for this response only 
       Log each match found by the stream filter
      log local0. "Stream filter matched: [STREAM::match]"

    Waiting for your feedback


  • Hi,


    Did you try with rewrite profile?


    This profile may solve most of rewrite needs without stream usage!