Forum Discussion

Mariappan_S_156's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2014

Retrive Computername

Hi all,


How possible in APM retrieve the client computer name at the time of login in to ssl vpn and we have verified there is no option on client end point VPE Machine Info or Windows Info,


Please confirm how possible read registry key and assign the result to session variable. If its is possible then we can retrieve the computer name from registry key and assign the result to any session variable.


Pls share you idea's


Regards, Mariappan S


  • the computer name is found in following key


    Some stricter check can be done with Machine Certificate check (MS template for such certificates is Subject CN=computer FQDN), where you'll have the computer FQDN automatically into a variable - Alexa

  • We have one irule to check the client system mac id at the time of endpoint verification process using of macid data-group on F5 and the irule shows log if any invalid system that means that system mac id not in f5 macid data group. Currently the irule shows the only invalid mac id. Our requirement is show the invalid mac id with system name then it’s useful for troubleshooting purpose. when ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT { if {[ACCESS::policy agent_id] == "CHECK3" } { set macid [ACCESS::session data get "session.machine_info.last.net_adapter.list.[0].mac_address"] ACCESS::session data set session.machine_info.last.check 0 if { [class match $macid equals macdatagroup] } { ACCESS::session data set session.machine_info.last.check 1 } } log local0. "This is a not valid MAC ID = $macid" }