Forum Discussion
Reject Mobile Device ID for ActiveSync with APM
Hi Guys,
We have a requirement to allow certain Device ID to initiate ActiveSync traffic normally and reject other device IDs
We followed the same irule here
But just we changed the last line instead of "ACCESS::session remove " to be "Reject" , but not working fine
Once we removed one of Device ID from data group and add it again , it is getting rejected , once we removed "Reject" statement the device is able to work fine with active sync , So I don't know the reason for that
BTW , VS has APM , ASM policies
# Apply DeviceID restriction to all ActiveSync directory traffic
if {[HTTP::path] == "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"} {
# Determine whether connection is Base64 encoded, (Windows Phone) and if necessary begin decoding process
set string_b64encoded [HTTP::query]
if {[catch {b64decode $string_b64encoded} string_b64decoded] == 0 and $string_b64decoded ne ""} {
binary scan $string_b64decoded x4H2 IDlenHEX
scan $IDlenHEX %x IDlenDEC
set IDlen [expr "$IDlenDEC * 2"]
binary scan $string_b64decoded x5H$IDlen HEXdeviceID
set string_sentid [string toupper $HEXdeviceID]
} else {
set string_sentid [string toupper [URI::query [HTTP::uri]]]
# compare deviceID presented in HTTP::query with BigIP Data Group List - 'devices'
if {[class match $string_sentid contains devices]} {
log "Successful login with deviceID: $string_sentid"
} else {
log "Failed login with deviceID: $string_sentid"
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