That worked beautifully! I have one more question regarding REGEX alternatives as it relates to the iRule i'm working on.
Is there a more efficient method to do the following, versus the REGEX i'm currently using?
Check for the FQDN of domain oasis.local in the payload
regexp {GMVM(\d)+\.oasis\.local} [HTTP::payload] found
if {$found != -1 } {
Insert a new cookie with the old host IP name and old cookie's value
HTTP::cookie insert name "DRCShared_IP" value $found domain "example.com" path "/"
Replace embedded URL to Oasis Host with URL to VIP of abc.example.com
STREAM::expression {@GMVM(\d)+\.oasis\.local@abc.example.com@}
I'm having a bit of difficulty wrapping my head around when i can use regular expression rules to match on items using strings instead.