Forum Discussion
Recurring disk space issues-i5800
Dears, we are facing continues disk space issues in our load balancer. /Var become 100% usually. Our device is running on 15 .1.10.2 and model is i5800. Anyone have suggestion or experience in this issue.
- This is a most common issue in physical platform that working with many modules (LTM,APM,GTM,ASM..). So you can resolve this issue by simple things.
- You can check the free space in device and increase the size of mounts(/var,/shared..). 3.1 GB is usual /var size, and it should increase as per your need.
- Also, you can upgrade the platform to 16.x version (it will automatically increase the size to 50% - to 4.7GB)
- Main reason of increasing /var size is backup files, pcap files. you can setup an external backup storage mechanism (if bigiq there, you can schedule backup to BIG IQ).
- You can configure mount monitoring to get alerts.
You can go through below link for doing it. Thanks
- felixelc
Thanks, let me try that.
- SamCo
We faced similar issues on our VCMP host a couple of month ago. The solution was to backup configuraiton, recreate a new guest and restore the configuration. It seems that long living instance that have been upgraded several times conserve old files that accumulate over the time and use disk space.
check which file or subfolders has big size.
get help fro linux/unix admin if needed.if it is file /var/log/ltm, check the file whether there are lots of log entries,
they minght be caused by log command in irules script.
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