Forum Discussion
Receive Disable String feature not work properly with IN-TMM monitoring
Hi everibody,
If the HTTP | HTTPS monitor uses with Disable string feature ( ) together with an IN-TMM monitoring feature ( ) and match the pattern in answer, then the member is marked Offline instead of Disabled.
1. Send simle GET string to generic server
curl -v http://serverip:80 | grep 503
2. Get server answer
HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
3. Create ltm http Monitor without recv-disable string
create ltm monitor http MON-http send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" recv "http" recv-disable ""
2. Create Pool
3. Attach Monitor to Pool
4. Pool status apeared as Avaliability:Available State:Enabled
show ltm monitor http MON-http
5. Add recv-disable string to Monitor
modify ltm monitor http MON-http send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" recv "http" recv-disable "503"
6. Pool status apeared as Avaliability:Avaliable State:Disabled-by-Parrent
7. Enable in-tmm monitoring feature
modify sys db bigd.tmm value enable
8. Pool status apeared as Avaliability:Offline State:Enabled
9. Change recv-disable string to unmatched from server answer (1234)
modify ltm monitor http MON-http send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" recv "http" recv-disable "1234"
10. Pool status apeared as Avaliability:Available State:Enabled
This means that the function Disable String finds the matched pattern in the server response but erroneously changes the Availability instead of the State monitor paramentr. I tried restarting the bigd process, but that didn't help.
Versions where I tried 15.1.8 and
Is this a new feature behavior or a bug?
Hello newerdog ,
> I think it maybe a Bug :
Please refer to this KB :
Also these Bugs related to IN-TMM Monitoring :
- newerdog
Hi Mohamed,
Thanks for answer but all known bugs fixed in 15.1.8 and I didnt find any acceptible solutions for DisableSting&IN-TMM in the liks you`ve provided .
Maybe this a new Bug Let us wait for a clarification From one of F5 Experts.
But I think IN-TMM montoring is rarely deployed , Hope someone knows more about it to help you.
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