Forum Discussion

Comunicaciones2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 12, 2014

Problems upgrading LTM 11.2.1 to 11.5.1



We are upgrading F5 from 11.2.1 to 11.5.1 version. All is Ok except some issues. First, I don't have any performance statistic. It shows "No records to display." message. The other problem is that in my device group (we have two F5, active-standby), if I see the devices in the avtive one, the avtive is in the right version (11.5.1), but the standby shows de old version (11.2.1), however, both have the same 11.5.1 version. Do you know why it happends?


Thank you very much. Regards.


1 Reply

  • Hi,


    Make a reboot (bigstart restart) and start a "tail -f /var/log/ltm" to check logs.


    You can do a "tmsh load sys config" as well to check if something is wrong in the configuration.


    Let us know. Matt