Forum Discussion

jhanington_1353's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 12, 2014

Problem with config-sync all of a sudden. Cannot create archive as well.

I am getting errors when I try to run config-sync on my two 1600 LTMs. Config sync was working before but all of a sudden I cannot do it anymore.




Running on Primary. Synchronizing to peer.

Checking configuration on local system and peer system...
Peer's IP address:
Synchronizing Master Keys...
Saving active configuration...
/home/admin/20140507-1914: (at /home/admin/20140507-1914) does not exist
/home/admin/20140507-1913: (at /home/admin/20140507-1913) does not exist
Errors during file attribute collection
Operation aborted.
/tmp/configsync.spec: Error creating package
Error creating package
Error running config sync all.
BIGpipe parsing error:
   01110001:3: Error running config sync all

Running on secondary. Synchronizing from peer.

Configsync Mode: Pull
Saving temporary UCS on peer...
OperationFailed exception:
   Primary error  : 16908289
   Secondary error: 0
   Error text     : Error saving configuration
   Error saving temporary UCS on peer.

Checking configuration on local system and peer system...
Peer's IP address:
Transport and install failed
Error running config sync pull.
BIGpipe parsing error:
   01110001:3: Error running config sync pull

Running on primary. Creating an archive.

Saving active configuration...
/home/admin/20140507-1914: (at /home/admin/20140507-1914) does not exist
/home/admin/20140507-1913: (at /home/admin/20140507-1913) does not exist
Errors during file attribute collection
Operation aborted.
/tmp/configsync.spec: Error creating package

WARNING:There are error(s) during saving.
        Not everything was saved.
        Be very careful when using this saved file!

Error creating package
Error during config save.
BIGpipe parsing error:
   01020001:3: The requested operation failed.

What is weird is that files do exist in that folder. Both files have 600 level permissions.

  • Here is what I found on



    Does that sound like your issue?


    I hope this helps,




  • Experienced the same symptoms when attempting to create an archive (backup) file. In our situation... Issue:


    df showed that /shared was 100% used. Cause: mcpd.out file was 55 GB Root Cause: DISA STIGs suggest setting the mcpd logging level to debug.


    Side Note: Many IA folks believe that the security technical implementation guides are not guidelines but hard requirements. Representatives from both DISA and FSS stated that STIGs are suggestions and are not requirements.


    Temporary Solution: transferred Traffic Groups to alternate F5, then rebooted the F5 experiencing the problem. Note that I've previously tried other methods of resetting the mdpd.out file, only to have each require a reboot. Long-term solution: Option A) create a cron job to perform log rotation function; Option B) revert to default logging level of mcpd


    Please share if you've found differing (and preferably better) permanent solution.