Forum Discussion

Koalan's avatar
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Jan 30, 2020

Pool down even Node is up



I don't know if this how F5 behaves, but we have a pool have a health monitor of gateway_icmp and pool members are using port 443:


ltm pool FEMA_WFO_POOL {

  description FEMA_WFO_POOL_HTTPS

  members {

    USDEN-WFMFEMA3:https {


      monitor FEMA_https 

      session monitor-enabled

      state down


    USDEN-WFMFEMA4:https {


      monitor FEMA_https 

      session monitor-enabled

      state down


    USDEN-WFMFEMA5:https {


      monitor FEMA_https 

      session monitor-enabled

      state down



  monitor gateway_icmp 



As you can see it uses gateway_icmp but the port is 443. Port 443 is down on the servers as per my telnet test. But I don't know why it is being marked down by the monitor, it is not a tcp monitor but gateway_icmp (which i believe it doesnt care of the port - only ping)



Here is the nodes (gateway_icmp) healtcheck too:


ltm node USDEN-WFMFEMA3 {


  description USDEN-WFMFEMA3

  session monitor-enabled

  state up



ltm node USDEN-WFMFEMA4 {


  description USDEN-WFMFEMA4

  session monitor-enabled

  state up



ltm node USDEN-WFMFEMA5 {


  description USDEN-WFMFEMA5

  session monitor-enabled

  state up


It is up. So what's happening here? or what should i change? Is this a bug?


I already tried removing the gateway_icmp then adding it again, but same status.


  • Also to add to what Claudio said, why would put 2 monitor. May be it was there before and you have missed to notice. You are going with pool member specific monitor, which means the pool monitor would be over-riden by the pool member specific monitors.


    Please correct your infra.

  • Hello,


    You have a gateway_icmp to monitor to pool members, but, there is a specific monitor on each member that sounds to me a HTTPS port monitor.

    Isn't the "FEMA_https" a 443 port monitor, that you've checked is really closed on server?



    • Also to add to what Claudio said, why would put 2 monitor. May be it was there before and you have missed to notice. You are going with pool member specific monitor, which means the pool monitor would be over-riden by the pool member specific monitors.


      Please correct your infra.

      • Koalan's avatar
        Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

        oh i didnt see that FEMA_HTTPS, i will check it. Thanks!