Forum Discussion

David_Tumlin's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 15, 2012

Network failover vs. serial failover on Edge appliances

Multiple F5 technicians have suggested to a customer of mine that moving from serial to network failover on their Edge Gateways would reduce the downtime in reconnecting user sessions after a failure. All documentation I can find indicates that serial failover is faster. Does anyone have any input?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Serial failover is faster for failover. However, you still need network failover configured for mirroring of session data.




    sol2397: Comparison of serial failover and network failover features




    Note: Due to faster response time, F5 recommends that you use serial cable failover whenever it is possible to install the serial failover cable between the two BIG-IP systems. The VIPRION system supports only network failover.



    Important: Even with serial cable failover configured, communication over the network is necessary for certain features to function properly, for example, the communication that occurs over the network during failover mirroring.




  • Thanks Aaron.



    I have read that document, but I thought connection mirroring was not effective with SSL traffic.
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    That's correct:



    sol7216: The BIG-IP LTM system does not support connection mirroring for SSL terminated traffic




    If you'd like to see support for SSL session cache mirroring which would allow a client to resume an SSL session after a failover you can open a case with F5 Support and reference BZ227230.



    APM should mirror session data to its peer using the network failover config so that users won't need to re-authenticate after a failover. They would need to establish a new TCP connection and SSL session though.


