Need help with SSL handshake failure and client certificates
we are using a clientSSL-profile with client certificate set to require and also configured the trusted/allowed CA. When connecting to this VS with a valid client certificate we are ending up with a SSL handshake failure. When we remove this option and using just "normal" SSL handshake, everything is working fine, means there is at least no issues with the ciphers and SSL protocol. We are also using the same setup in a different region and there everything is working fine. I'm not 100% sure, which might be different in the two regions, but at least clients and F5s are using the same software/version.
We also performed a tcpdump and a ssldump and saw the following strange thing (Not enough data.😞
1 1 0.0756 (0.0756) C>S Handshake
Version 3.3
cipher suites
Unknown value 0xc02f
Unknown value 0xc02b
Unknown value 0xc030
Unknown value 0xc02c
Unknown value 0xc027
Unknown value 0xc023
Unknown value 0xc028
Unknown value 0xc024
Unknown value 0xc013
Unknown value 0xc009
Unknown value 0xc014
Unknown value 0xc00a
Unknown value 0x9e
Unknown value 0xa2
Unknown value 0x9f
Unknown value 0xa3
Unknown value 0x9c
Unknown value 0x9d
Unknown value 0xc012
Unknown value 0xc008
Unknown value 0xff
compression methods
1 2 0.0756 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
Version 3.3
0e c8 c2 ce da 55 22 f3 cd 5d ab 0d 32 31 bb 29
9b 0a 63 97 2e 9a 71 6b 2c 9a 52 e7 1f ec 5b c7
cipherSuite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
compressionMethod NULL
1 3 0.0756 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
1 4 0.0756 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
certificate_types rsa_sign
certificate_types dss_sign
certificate_types unknown value
Not enough data. Found 221 bytes (expecting 32767)
1 5 0.0756 (0.0000) S>C Handshake
1 6 0.2462 (0.1705) S>C Alert
level fatal
value handshake_failure
1 0.2462 (0.0000) S>C TCP FIN
Is this maybe indicating the issue and if yes, what does it mean or where does it come from?
If not, how can we further troubleshot this? As I personally don't have direct access to the affected F5, I also don't know the latest status, but we at least agreed to set the SSL log-level to debug. Are there any further tips you can provide? Maybe also something, which can/should be checked on the client?
Maybe a stupid question, but can this also be related to some issues on network level between client and F5 or are such handshake failures definitely only related to correct client and F5 settings?
Thank you!
Ciao Stefan 🙂
Hi Ashwin,
thanks for your help, but we could solve the issue. It starts working after we configured the whole chain for the "Trusted Certificate Authorities"-option in the "Client Authentication"-section of the clientSSL-profile, where we initialy only configured the single issuer certificate from the client-certificate.
But what is still strange for us, as I already mentioned, in the other region it's still working with just the single issuer certificate (which I also thought that this is sufficient). Might this be related to some settings on the clientside? Not sure if it's important or relevant, but the client in our case is a CA API Gateway.
Thank you for some final hints!
Ciao Stefan :)