Forum Discussion

eblair84_141985's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 14, 2014

Native method to manually change the state of a monitor

Is there a native way to manually monitor and possibly change the state of a pool member, without having to use the iControl interface? I want to get approval to use a Java or Pel iControl library bu...
  • Brent_West_7733's avatar
    May 14, 2014


    You can add logging statements to your external monitor to view the variable output. /var/log/ltm is a good target.


    Once I know the variables, I play with the script from the shell until it behaves like I expect.


    Make sure you have handling to gracefully exit the process included in the script. These monitors fire off at the interval you specify, usually seconds, and they can stack up quite quickly and cause memory contention issues.