Forum Discussion

TJ_Vreugdenhil's avatar
Dec 28, 2011

Monitor send string

I am creating one pool with two pool members with two different IP's and ports, but I want to create a monitor that will check for both pool member host names? The problem is the VIP is going to be created in the future, so I can't match the URL name just yet. Is there a way to do this, or an alternative way? The config below is as follows on 10.2 software:



b monitor test_pool_monitor '{


defaults from https


interval 30


timeout 91


password "pass"


recv "Server Up"


send "GET /monitor/bigip.html HTTP/1.1 \ \nConnection: Close\n\n\r\n"


username "joe"





b pool test_pool '{


monitor all test_pool_monitor


members {








DNS: examplesite1 IP: Ports: 7111


DNS: examplesite2 IP: Ports: 7112




  • not sure if i understand correctly. if you want to use different health monitor parameter, e.g. http host header, for each pool member, why won't you assign the monitor to pool member level instead of pool one?


    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b pool foo list
    pool foo {
       members {
             monitor myhttp1
             monitor myhttp2
  • just curious since both pool members belong to one virtual server, shouldn't they support a common http host header e.g.
  • The pool members do not belong to a Virtual Server as of yet. The only information I have at this point is the DNS names:






    I do not believe I can match a common http host header without a VS, or any Header field? It would be nice to use one monitor for one pool, because I have many to do like this, but I do not see how.



    I was thinking it could look like this:



    b monitor test_pool_monitor_7111 '{


    defaults from https


    interval 30


    timeout 91


    password "pass"


    recv "Server Up"


    send "GET /monitor/bigip.html HTTP/1.1 \ \nConnection: Close\n\n\r\n"


    username "joe"






    b monitor test_pool_monitor_7112 '{


    defaults from https


    interval 30


    timeout 91


    password "pass"


    recv "Server Up"


    send "GET /monitor/bigip.html HTTP/1.1 \ \nConnection: Close\n\n\r\n"


    username "joe"






    b pool test_pool '{


    members {



    monitor all test_pool_monitor_7111



    monitor all test_pool_monitor_7112








  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
    You can use 1 monitor for HTTP/1.1 if the host header used is the same between the two hosts. It doesn't matter if a VS is created yet or not. That's independent. There's no connection between the VS and the monitor except that the status of the VS inherits the status of the default pool which is a result of the monitors results.



    So if both your pool members respond with a host: header of use that... or use what they think it will be when it goes live... As long as the host likes it, you're golden.


