Forum Discussion

Gabriella's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Jan 21, 2022

LTM DataGroup internal limit

Hi all,


I'm configuring an internal DG consiting in more or less 40K entries. 

it is not visible via GUI (it remains stuck in loading), just in tmsh. 

I read that the limit of entries is around 100K. 

In your experience do you think this bheavior can affect the performance of the device? 


Thank you very much,


  • When you load the datagroup check the memory size. That will be the biggest factor or how it may affect performance as this is stored in the main memory. See irule based memory information.


    tmsh show sys mem
    tmsh show sys proc-info


    See K16903002 Commands to view memory usage 
    and K16419 Overview of BIG-IP memory usage