Forum Discussion

T0nyP's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Nov 28, 2022

Is there a traceroute equivalent in F5 like the format of ping -I <source ip> <destination ip>

Hi F5 Community,

Is there a traceroute equivalent in F5 like the format of ping -I <source ip> <destination ip>?

Can I ask what is the exact command for traceroute or tracepath?

Or it is not possible?

Thanks much in advance.

  • Hi T0nyP,

    Yes, this should work if the self IP is in route domain 0. 

    Cheers, Kai

  • you should be able to do this:

    run util traceroute -s self_non-floating_IP destination_IP

  • Hi T0nyP,

    you need to start a SSH connection to your LTM using either the build-in "root" account or a custom user account with "advanced shell" permissions.

    Then you could issue either a "PING" or "TRACEROUTE" command. To specifiy a source IP your have to use the command line switches outlined in the sample below:


    [itacs@kw-f5-dev:Active:Standalone] ~ # traceroute -s
    [itacs@kw-f5-dev:Active:Standalone] ~ # ping -I


    To understand the valid command line options of those commands you can read the man pages of the command via:


    [itacs@kw-f5-dev:Active:Standalone] ~ # man ping
    [itacs@kw-f5-dev:Active:Standalone] ~ # man traceroute


    Special Note: If you are working with route domains you may need to prefix the "ping" or "traceroute" command with the "rdexec" command. See the samples below how to execute command for e.g. Route-Domain 20: 


    [itacs@kw-f5-dev:Active:Standalone] ~ # rdexec 20 traceroute -s
    [itacs@kw-f5-dev:Active:Standalone] ~ # rdexec 20 ping -I


    Cheers, Kai

    • T0nyP's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Hi Kai, appreciate the reply. This is the correct format right when you try to your F5 LTM?

      traceroute -s <F5 self_IP>  <destination_IP or fqdn>

      • Hi T0nyP,

        Yes, this should work if the self IP is in route domain 0. 

        Cheers, Kai

    • T0nyP's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thank you and really appreciate the feedback.

      Just want to check. I don't have a linux as of the moment.

      Would this run using below command?

      traceroute -s <source ip> -g <gateway ip>  <destination ip or fqdn>


      • Hey T0nyP,

        The -g option is enabling soure-route IP option which is most likely banned from local or internet routers anyway...  

        Afaik there is no such option to overwrite the next-hop of the tracert command. Its always based on your local routing table. I might be wrong in this case tho... 

        Cheers, Kai